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Project Change Requests
How to manage Project Change Requests in iMACS.
A Project Change Request is any change to the budget or delivery dates that is done after the initial information is entered and the stock status is changed to In Progress. Project Change Requests can be view on the Project summary or class level, and the stock summary or class level. The PCR tab defaults to a list of Project Change Requests that affected the current stock and/or class.
Creating a Project Change Request
To create a Project Change Request, click New PCR on the left menu on the project level. You cannot create a new Project Change Request if one is already open. You can click on the PCR number link to view the open Project Change Request.
If no other Project Change Request is open, you can fill out the Reason for Change and Approved By information. The Affected Stock #s list box will show any In Progress stock numbers in the current project for your company. You must choose at least one stock number that the Project Change Request will affect. To choose more than one stock number, hold the shift key down, and click the stock numbers.
After all the information has been entered, click the Save button. The system will generate a PCR number.
Editing a Project Change Request
Choose a stock number from the drop-down box under the header information. To edit a class budget, click the Edit button next to the Class. The current budget is shown in the pop-up window. You can add, edit, and delete budget items. After the information has been saved, all information that was changed will be green.
To change the Sell Price, GP Total, or GP Percent, click the Edit button on the Total Sell line. If the Sell Price or GP Total is changed, the GP Percent will be updated. If the GP Percent is changed, the GP Total will be updated. Click the Save button after the information has been updated.
Printing a Project Change Request
To print a Project Change Request, the status must be closed. Click the print button to view and print the Project Change Request.