Texada Web

R.2023.1116 Texada Web Release Notes

Release notes for Texada Web version R.2023.1116, releasing on Tuesday, December 5th in North America and APAC countries.


These notes address new features and code fixes for version R.2023.1116 of Texada Web. Release dates for this version are as follows:

North America: Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 @ 9PM EST
APAC: Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 @ 9PM AEST (7AM EST) 

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The Product Substitution window will no longer pop up when adding a Product that does not check availability to a Contract.


Cash Customers will now be required to pay a deposit upon creating a Contract in Texada Web, as is currently the case in Texada SRM.


When creating or editing a Contract, the Contract Info panel will automatically be expanded if any of the custom fields are required.


Adding a Site to a Contract will now be captured in the Contract's History panel.


When completing a Product Substitution for a Contract in Texada Web, the “Reason for Substitution” field is required. The options in this drop-down are established via the “Substitution Reason Codes” tool in Texada SRM. If no reason codes have been created in Texada SRM, it will be impossible to submit a Product Substitution in Texada Web.

To communicate this, opening the Product Substitution window when no reason codes exist will now cause a window to pop up that reads: “No reason codes exist. Please review the system configuration.”


Fixed an issue affecting Contract creation in which the Salesperson on a Contract would be set to "HOUSE" when a Customer was selected. Attempting to create the Contract would then result in a "No salesman provided" error.


Fixed an issue affecting Asset search during Contract creation or editing in which Assets that were out on stale-dated Contracts (Contracts whose expiry date has passed, but for which a Rental Return has not been completed) were incorrectly displaying as available.


Fixed a bug affecting Contract creation in which Products added to a Contract would occasionally be spontaneously removed from the Contract under certain circumstances.


Fixed an issue in which the Unit Total or Product Total displayed for a Contract would occasionally be incorrect. 


Ticket #



The amount of time it takes to export the contents of the Asset List and Parts List pages has been reduced.


Fixed an issue affecting the Asset List page in which Assets out on a Contract or Ticket would occasionally not be indicated as such in the Asset Document Status Filter column.


Ticket #



It is now possible to issue refunds when completing Rental Returns in Texada Web. This is useful in situations where the deposit amount exceeds the cost of the rental.


Fixed an issue affecting the "Add Payment" window in which the Balance Due amount would occasionally be incorrect after submitting a payment.


Fixed an issue affecting the "Add Payment" window in which the User would occasionally be prompted to pay the pre-tax amount instead of the post-tax amount, leaving the tax amount unpaid on the Invoice in question.


Ticket #



The “Ordered By” field has been added to the Create / Edit Pickup Ticket screen, allowing Users to input the name of the person who ordered the pickup.