Getting Started

Texada SRM Data Import Toolbox

A collection of templates designed to help you configure Texada SRM.

Table of Contents

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Data Import Templates Overview

Below is a high-level description of each data import template:

Template Name



This template facilitates the import of Customer information, encompassing essential details such as name, address, taxes, salesman code, credit limits, discounts, etc.

Rental Classes

Rental Classes manage the general ledger accounts used for revenue, COGS, inventory (Assets) as well as prorating settings.

Rental Groups

Groups, as a sub-classification for rental assets linked to a specific Class, apply information (rates, weight, kits, liquidation value, replacement cost, meter charges) to all Products within the Group.

Rental Products

This template is used to import all sales SKU numbers and rental asset numbers (Product numbers) along with their descriptions, assigned Class and Group, and pertinent details like make, model, acquisition date, serial number, quantity on hand, cost, location, and Product-level rates.

Sales Classes

This template contains Sales inventory Classes, including the structure for Parts, consumables and SKUs for resale.

Sales Groups

This template contains the sub-classification for Sales Product (Part) SKUs. It includes the same information as the Rental Groups import without the rental rate information.

Chart of Accounts

This template is used to import the General Ledger Chart of Accounts into the application. It contains the account number, an account description and the type of account.


This template contains vendor information, such as number, name, address, payment terms, and currency.

Vendor Balances

This template imports open balances and invoices owed to vendors, detailing document number, invoice date, due date, amount owing, division and currency. 

Customer Balances

This template is used to import all the open AR balances. It includes invoices, finance charges, credit notes, and dates and amounts owing. 

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Information Applicable to all Templates

  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory. All other fields are optional.
  • Some fields must be completed with the support of a Texada Implementation Specialist. These fields will be annotated with ‘Field to be completed with Texada’s support’.
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Glossary of Terms

  • Classes: A rental Class represents a major category of Products (e.g. Air Tools and Equipment). A Product’s Class determines which General Ledger accounts are posted to when that Product is rented, sold, or repaired.
  • Groups: Groups represent groups of similar Products (e.g. 110’ Boom Lifts, 25KW Generators, 50-Ton Hydraulic Jacks). Rental rates are usually established at the Group level, as is most basic Product information.
  • Products: Products represent either a single, serialized Asset or a number of identical bulk Assets. All of the properties specific to a particular Product are managed at the Product level, including make, model, and re-order information, specifications, meter information, and availability.
  • Alphanumeric: Text consisting of both letters (A-Z) and numerals (0-9).
  • Numeric: Text consisting of numerals (0-9) only.
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The Texada Inventory Structure

Visual Representation

Class Group Product hierarchy 2

Example - Scissor Lift Class Class Group Product example with serial numbers

In this example, 

  • Code SC is the Product Class (column B in the Rental Classes spreadsheet)
  • Code SC19 is the Rental Group (column B in the Rental Groups spreadsheet)
  • Code SC19-001 is the Product number (column B in the Rental Products spreadsheet)

For more information on Texada’s inventory structure, see:

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Customer Master Cheat Sheet 


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column Name


Format Required

NumberRed Asterisk Big

Customer identification number.

Note: If the chosen format is numeric, Texada can automate the creation of subsequent numbers. 

Up to 6 alphanumeric characters

NameRed Asterisk Big

Customer Company name.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Address Line 1Red Asterisk Big

Customer Company address.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Address Line 2

Complementary address information.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters



Up to 25 alphanumeric characters

Province / State

Province or State.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Postal / Zip Code

Postal code or Zip code.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Phone Number

Customer phone number.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Fax Number

Customer fax number.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX


Customer contact name.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Salesman Code

Code associated with the Salesman responsible for this Customer. This code can be used to calculate and generate commissions (Must be valid Salesman Code). 

2 alphanumeric characters


Any comments specific to this Customer.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Credit Limit

Account receivable limit associated with the Customer's account.

Up to 12 numeric characters

Account Open Date

Date the Customer’s  account was opened.


Rental Discount

Rental discount associated with all Customer’s orders. 

Up to 6 numeric characters

Sales Discount

Sales discount associated with the Customer.

Up to 6 numeric characters

Tax 1 CodeRed Asterisk Big

Tax code associated with the Customer's location.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Tax 1 RateRed Asterisk Big

Tax rate associated with Tax 1.

Up to 8 numeric characters, or 'Null' if tax rate is 0

Tax 1 DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Description of Tax 1.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Tax 2 CodeRed Asterisk Big

Tax code associated with the Customer's location.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Tax 2 RateRed Asterisk Big

Tax rate associated with Tax 2.

Up to 8 numeric characters, or 'Null' if tax rate is 0

Tax 2 DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Description of Tax 2.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

On Account Y or NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether the Customer has a credit account with your company.

Y: Yes
N: No

Apply Finance ChargesRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether finance charges are triggered if the Customer carries a balance.

Y: Yes
N: No

Charge Damage WaiverRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether a damage waiver is charged to the Customer.

Y: Yes
N: No

PO # RequiredRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether a purchase order is required when doing business with the Customer.

Y: Yes
N: No

Insurance Company

Name of the Customer's insurance company.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Policy Number

Customer's insurance policy number.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Expiry Date

Expiry date of the Customer’s Insurance policy.


Tax Code 1 Exemption #

Tax exemption number associated with the Customer.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Tax Code 1 Rental/Sale/Both

Defines whether Tax 1 is applicable to Rental, Sales or both.

R: Rentals
S: Sales
B: Both

Tax Code 2 Exemption #

Tax exemption number associated with the Customer.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Tax Code 2 Rental/Sale/Both

Defines whether Tax 2 is applicable to Rental, Sales or both.

R: Rentals
S: Sales
B: Both

Rate Level

Used to define the Rate level applicable to Customers with special rates.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Alternate Language

Define whether the Customer operates in an alternate language.

Y: Yes
N: No

Primary Customer Type

Allows your Company to categorize Customers (based on industry, region, etc.)

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Credit Rating

Code used to define discounts applicable to the Customer.

1 alphanumeric character

# Of Copies For Invoice Print

Field no longer used - no information required

Field no longer used - no information required

Government ID Code

Code associated with the Customer's ID.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Rental Value Limit

Total value of the assets rented to the Customer.

Up to 13 numeric characters

Collector Code

Code associated with internal collection codes.

Up to 2 alphanumeric characters


Business division associated with the Customer.

Up to 2 alphanumeric characters

Discount Program

Discount program associated with the Customer.

Up to 6 alphanumeric characters

Reserved Column

Field no longer used - no information required

Field no longer used - no information required

Terms Code

Code to identify a specific process or function through numbered instructions. 

e.g. Term Code "A": The Customer has 60 days to pay.

Term Code "C": Cash on delivery. 

1 alphanumeric character

Additional Phone Number

Alternate Customer phone number.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Additional Phone Number

Alternate Customer phone number.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Customer Contact Name

Customer contact name.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Customer Contact Title

Customer Contact Title.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Customer Contact Phone

Customer Contact Phone number.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Customer Contact Email

Customer Contact Email address.

Up to 60 alphanumeric characters

Customer Contact Comment

Any comment associated with Customer contact.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Statement Output

Field no longer used - no information required

Field no longer used - no information required

Payable Contact 1

Contact responsible for Accounts payable.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Payable Contact 2

Alternate contact responsible for Accounts payable.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Principal Name 1

Customer principal name.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Principal Name 2

Additional principal name.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Principal Name 3

Additional principal name.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Insurance Agent Phone

Phone number of Customer's insurance agent.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Insurance Agent Name

Name of Customer's insurance agent.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Alpha Key

Shortcut key your Company can use to search for the Customer in the system.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Currency Code

First letter of the Customer's currency.

C: Canada
N: New Zealand
U: United States
A: Australia


Code of Customer's country.

3 alphanumeric characters

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Rental Classes Cheat Sheet 


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column Name


Format Required

Product ClassRed Asterisk Big

Code associated with a major category of Product (e.g. AT for Air Tools).

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Description of the Class (e.g. Air Tools).

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Charge Tax Code 1Red Asterisk Big

Defines whether Tax code 1 is applicable to the Class (as defined in the Customer Master file).

Y: Yes
N: No

Charge Tax Code 2Red Asterisk Big

Defines whether Tax code 2 is applicable to the Class (as defined in the Customer Master file).

Y: Yes
N: No

Cost Of Goods Sold AccountRed Asterisk Big

Expense account to be debited with the cost or book value of the item when sold (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Revenue AccountRed Asterisk Big

Revenue account to be credited with the rental income when an item is rented (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Inventory AccountRed Asterisk Big

Asset account to be debited with the cost of the rental equipment when an equipment is purchased (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Sale Of Rental AccountRed Asterisk Big

Revenue account to be credited with the selling price when a rental equipment is sold (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Cross-Store Check-In AccountRed Asterisk Big

Revenue Account to be credited with the portion of the rental to be allocated to the return division when non-bulk rentals are returned to a different division from the owning division (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Trade Discounts AccountRed Asterisk Big

General Ledger expense account to which to debit the Trade Discount portion, for relevant Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

If no account is specified, the Revenue Account will be reduced by the discount amount with the debit posting.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Price Discounts AccountRed Asterisk Big

General Ledger expense account to track discounts given through rate/price overrides and discount percentages given for Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Prorate Partial Days

Defines whether your business charges for partial days/periods.

Y: Yes
N: No

O/T Hours In A Day

Defines the number of overtime hours equal to a day.

Up to 2 numeric characters

O/T Days In A Week

Defines the number of overtime hours equal to a week (applies after the first week).

Up to 3 numeric characters

O/T Days In A Month

Defines the number of overtime hours equal to a month (applies after the first month).

Up to 4 numeric characters

O/T Meter Charge MethodRed Asterisk Big

Defines the method or frequency used to charge overtime.

H: Hourly meter tracking
S: Shift tracking

Charge Damage WaiverRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether a damage waiver is charged at the Class level.

Y: Yes
N: No

Cycle Bill IntervalRed Asterisk Big

Defines the billing cycle frequency.

M: Monthly
D: Daily

Use Default RatesRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether default rates are applicable to this Class. 

Y: Yes
N: No

Maintenance ExpenseRed Asterisk Big

General Ledger expense account to which to debit the maintenance portion for Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Maintenance ProvisionRed Asterisk Big

General Ledger liability account to which to credit the maintenance portion for Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Default Markup %Red Asterisk Big

Standard markup applicable to Products in this Class.

Up to 6 numeric characters

Show On WebsiteRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether this Class is displayed on the website.

Y: Yes
N: No

Rerent ClassRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether this Class contains re-rented equipment. 

Y: Yes
N: No

Allow Trade DiscountRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether trade discounts are applicable to this Class. 

Y: Yes
N: No

Allow Rental DiscountRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether standard rental discounts are applicable to this Class. 

Y: Yes
N: No

Include In Rental Value LimitRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether Products in this Class are included in accounts with rental value limit.

Y: Yes
N: No

Rent To Account Customers OnlyRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether Products in this Class can only be rented to Customers with an account, as defined in the Customer Master file.

Y: Yes
N: No

Prevent Sale Of Rental ProductsRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether Products in this Class can be sold.

Y: Yes
N: No

Allow 0 Qty On Resvtn/QuoteRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether reservations are permitted when inventory quantity shows as 0.

Y: Yes
N: No

Allow Create P.O. From ContractRed Asterisk Big

Defines the ability to create a purchase order from a re-rental Contract for Products in this Class.

Y: Yes
N: No

P.O. Accrual Expense AccountRed Asterisk Big

General Ledger account to which to post the debit and reversing credit accrual transactions for Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

P.O. Accrual Liability AccountRed Asterisk Big

General Ledger liability account number to which to post the credit and reversing debit accrual transaction for Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Default WO Repair Code

Code defined by your company to automatically create a Work Order upon rental return (must be a valid Repair Code).

2 alphanumeric characters

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Rental Groups Cheat Sheet


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column Name


Format Required

GroupRed Asterisk Big

Code associated with a Group of similar Products (e.g. BML for Boom Lifts).

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Description of the Group (e.g. 110’ Boom Lifts, 25KW Generators, 50-Ton Hydraulic Jacks).

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Product ClassRed Asterisk Big

Product Class associated with the Group, as described in the Rental Classes spreadsheet. The Product Class code MUST match the Rental Class spreadsheet.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Kit #

A Kit is a list of secondary items that generally accompanies a primary item. Only the primary item should be marked with the Kit number.

Up to 9 alphanumeric characters

Suggested Sales List #

Code associated with the Suggested Sales. A SSL can be used to recommend other items to be rented when the primary item is rented (must be a valid ssl #).

Up to 9 alphanumeric characters

Bulk GroupRed Asterisk Big

Indicates whether or not the Products in this Group are bulk Products.

Y: Yes
N: No

Check AvailabilityRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether Group availability must be checked prior to creating a Contract.

Y: Yes
N: No

Default Depreciation Class

Defines the default Depreciation Class of the rental Products in this Group. The Depreciation Class is used to determine the rate of depreciation and the residual percentage (must be a valid Depreciation Class).

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Liquidation Value

Liquidation value for rental Products in this Group. This value is used for information purposes as well as for creating data analysis reporting. 

Up to 13 numeric characters

Useful Life Hours

Number of expected useful hours before a rental Product in this Group is disposed of. This value is used for information purposes as well as for creating data analysis reporting. 

Up to 13 numeric characters

Useful Life Months

Number of expected useful months before a rental Product in this Group is disposed of. This value is used for information purposes as well as for creating data analysis reporting. 

Up to 13 numeric characters


Standard weight associated with Products in this Group.

Up to 11 numeric characters

Replacement Cost

Defines the default replacement cost for rental Products in this Group.

Up to 10 numeric characters

Disc% Of Revenue Off List

Discount percentage on the list price of a non-bulk rental asset based on the amount of revenue it has generated during its rental life.

Up to 5 numeric characters

Max Disc% From Base List

Defines the maximum discount percentage from the base listed cost which can be applied.

Up to 5 numeric characters

Create Work OrderRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether a Work Order must be generated  when a non-bulk rental Product in this Group is returned. Enter P to be prompted with the option to create a Work Order when non-bulk rental Products in this Group are returned or exchanged.

Y: Yes
N: No

P: Prompt

Suspend Upon ReceiptRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether a suspend period must be applied when a Product in this Group is added to inventory.

Y: Yes
N: No

Use Group Rates For Group BookingRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether to use a Group rate when booking this Group.

Y: Yes
N: No

Clone Group RatesRed Asterisk Big

Defines the ability to update the rental rates of all items in this Group with the same rental rates.

Y: Yes
N: No

Suppress On RatebookRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether rates for this Group should be omitted from the Rate Book.

Y: Yes
N: No

Warranty Number Of Days

Defines the number of days associated with the default expiration warranty date on Rental equipment. 

Up to 3 numeric characters

Warranty Depot

Defines the party responsible for warranty work (e.g. “In-house”, or the name of the warranty service provider).

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters 

Delivery Charge

Defines the amount to be charged for delivery of equipment in this Group.

Up to 13 numeric characters

Pickup Charge

Defines the amount to be charged for pickup of equipment in this Group.

Up to 13 numeric characters

Freight Charge - Accumulative

Defines whether freight charges are charged per unit and accumulated by quantity across Groups.

Y: Yes
N: No

Freight Charge - Minimum

Defines the minimum freight charge that should apply to accumulated charges.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Show On Website

Defines whether Products in this Group should be displayed on the website.

Y: Yes
N: No

1 Hour Rate Amount

Defines the standard rate for 1 hour.

Up to 8 numeric characters

2 Hour Rate Amount

Defines the standard rate for 2 hours.

Up to 8 numeric characters

4 Hour Rate Amount

Defines the standard rate for 4 hours.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Daily Rate Amount

Defines the standard daily rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Weekly Rate Amount

Defines the standard weekly rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Monthly Rate Amount

Defines the standard monthly rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Weekend Rate Amount

Defines the standard weekend rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Overnight Rate Amount

Defines the standard overnight rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

1 Hour Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

1 Hour Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

2 Hour Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

2 Hour Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

4 Hour Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

4 Hour Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Daily Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Daily Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Weekly Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Weekly Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Monthly Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Monthly Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Weekend Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Weekend Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Overnight Meter Included

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

Overnight Meter Charge

Field to be completed with Texada’s support: Defines the rate when charging per meter.

Up to 7 numeric characters

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Rental Products Cheat Sheet


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column Name


Format Required

Product NumberRed Asterisk Big

Code associated with a single serialized Product or a number of identical bulk Products.

Up to 12 alphanumeric characters

Product DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Primary description of the Product as it should appear on reports and invoices printed in the standard language.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Class NumberRed Asterisk Big

Class number associated with the Product, as described in the Rental Classes spreadsheet. The Class number MUST match the Rental Class spreadsheet.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Group NumberRed Asterisk Big

Group number associated with the Product, as described in the Rental Groups spreadsheet. The Group number MUST match the Rental Groups spreadsheet.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Rental/Sale/Blade FlagRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether this Product is for Rental, or Sales / Bladed items. 

Bladed is no longer in use. Please indicate R or S.

R: Rental
S: Sales
B: Bladed items


Product Make

Name of the Product’s manufacturer.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Product Model

Name of the Product’s model.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Serial Number

Serial number associated with the Product. Applicable to Rental assets only.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Vendor #

Vendor number (must be a valid vendor number).

Up to 6 alphanumeric characters

Vendor Product Number

Product number provided by the vendor.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Vendor Product Desc

Description of the Product from the vendor catalog.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

License Plate #1

License plate number associated with the Product.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

License Plate Expiry

Expiry date of the associated license plate.


Engine Make

Name of the manufacturer of the Product’s engine.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Engine Serial Number

Serial number of the Product’s engine.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Date AcquiredRed Asterisk Big

Date the Product was purchased.


Owning Division

Division (location) of your company with the Product in stock (must be a valid Division).

Up to 3 alphanumeric characters

Current Location

Country code associated with the Product’s location (must be a valid location).

Up to 3 alphanumeric characters

Meter Reading

Current meter reading of the Product.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Initial Product Cost EachRed Asterisk Big

Cost of the Product at time of purchase.

Up to 12 numeric characters

Product List

The Product’s list price.

Up to 10 numeric characters

Total Accum. Depn. On Asset

Total accumulated depreciation of the Product since the time of purchase.

Up to 10 numeric characters

# Of Depn. In Months

Total number of months of depreciation since the time of purchase.

Up to 3 numeric characters

Quantity On HandRed Asterisk Big

Number of units currently in stock. 

Up to 11 numeric characters

Bulk/Nonbulk Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Indicates whether or not the Product is a bulk Product.

Y: Yes
N: No

Replacement Cost

Replacement cost as defined by the insurance company.

Up to 10 numeric characters

Kit #

Kit number associated with the Product (must be a valid kit #). Reminder: A Kit is a list of secondary items that generally accompanies a primary item. Only the primary item should be marked with the Kit number.

Up to 9 alphanumeric characters

1 Hour Rate Amount

Defines the rate applied when renting the Product by the hour.

Up to 8 numeric characters

2 Hour Rate Amount

Defines the rate applied when renting the Product by two hours.

Up to 8 numeric characters

4 Hour Rate Amount

Defines the rate applied when renting the Product by four hours.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Daily Rate Amount

Defines the standard daily rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Weekly Rate Amount

Defines the standard weekly rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Monthly Rate Amount

Defines the standard monthly rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Weekend Rate Amount

Defines the standard weekend rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Overnight Rate Amount

Defines the standard overnight rate.

Up to 8 numeric characters

Barcode 1

Barcode assigned to the Product. 

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Barcode 2

Secondary barcode assigned to the Product. 

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Alt. Description 1

Alternate description of the Product (can be used for description in alternate language).

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Alt. Description 2

Alternate description of the Product (can be used for description in alternate language).

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Bin Location

Defines the location of the Product in the warehouse. 

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Order Unit of Measure

Defines the unit of measure of the Product (e.g. each, gallon, liter, etc.)

3 alphanumeric characters


Defines the weight of the Product. 

Up to 11 numeric characters

Order Multiple

Defines the typical volume needed when placing a reorder. This only applies to bulk Products. 

Up to 11 numeric characters

Status Code

Codes defining the availability of the Product (must be a valid User Defined Status Code).

2 alphanumeric characters

Time Of Sale Serial Y/N

Defines whether the system should prompt for a serial number at the time of sale. This allows users to select the appropriate serial number when a Product is sold.

Y: Yes
N: No

Order Code

Code indicating the restock time for rental or sales Products.  

Up to 3 alphanumeric characters 

Cost Type (A/+/*/%)

Specifies how the item is priced. This indicator shows at posting time during the sale of the Product. 

A: Average
+: Zero Cost

*: Prompt for Cost
%: % of List

Date Of ManufactureRed Asterisk Big

Date the Product was manufactured.


Date In ServiceRed Asterisk Big

Defines the date the Product went into service in your fleet.


Adjusted First Cost

Final cost of the Product.

Numeric characters

Re-Order Price

Defines the price charged by the primary supplier for new purchases of this Product.

Numeric characters

Re-Order LCF

The LCF -Landed Cost Factor - is used to include the exchange, brokerage, duty, and freight, in the cost of an imported Product. The field defines the LCF when re-ordering the Product.

Numeric characters

Last PO Cost

Defines the purchase cost.  

Numeric characters

Last Cost Factor

The Landed Cost Factor (LCF) is used to include the exchange, brokerage, duty, and freight, in the cost of an imported Product.

Numeric characters

Markup %

The markup percentage can be used to calculate the List Price based on the Last Cost field.

Numeric characters

Inventory Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether the Product is currently in inventory.

Y: Yes
N: No

Special Order Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether the Product is part of a special (unusual) order.

Y: Yes
N: No

Sale UOM

Defines the unit of measure when renting a Product (e.g. BOX, PKG (package), DOZ (dozen) etc.)

3 alphanumeric characters

Sale Conversion

Conversion factor used if Products are rented is pairs or sets. Enter 1 if Products are always rented as individual units.

Numeric characters

Tag Status

Defines the status of the Product.

A: Active
D: Disposed


Warranty Expiry DateRed Asterisk Big

Expiry date of the vendor’s warranty.



Any notes relevant to the Product.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

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Sales Classes Cheat Sheet


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column name


Format required

Product ClassRed Asterisk Big

Code associated with a major category of Product (e.g. AT for Air tools).

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Description of the Class (e.g. Air Tools).

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Charge Tax Code 1 Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether Tax Code 1 is applicable to the Class.

Y: Yes
N: No

Charge Tax Code 2 Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether Tax Code 2 is applicable to the Class.

Y: Yes
N: No

Cost Of Goods Sold AccountRed Asterisk Big

Expense account to be debited with the cost or book value of the item when sold (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Revenue AccountRed Asterisk Big

Revenue account to be credited with the sale income when an item is sold (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Inventory AccountRed Asterisk Big

Asset account to be debited with the cost of the equipment when rental equipment is purchased. This account also gets credited with the cost of the rental equipment when it is sold (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Default Markup %

Standard markup applicable to Products in this Class.

Up to 6 numeric characters 

Warranty Revenue AccountRed Asterisk Big

Revenue account to be credited when Sales Parts from this Class are used on a Work Order for equipment covered under a supplier's warranty (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Show On Website Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether this Class is shown on the website.

Y: Yes
N: No

Allow 0 Qty On Resvtn/Quote Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether reservations are permitted when inventory quantity shows as 0.

Y: Yes
N: No

Prevent Auto Sell Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines the ability to automatically sell Sales Products at the time they are put out on a Contract.

Y: Yes
N: No

Allow Create P.O. From Contract Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines the ability to create purchase orders for Sales Products in this Class from a Contract.

Y: Yes
N: No

P.O. Accrual Expense AccountRed Asterisk Big

General ledger expense account number to which to post the debit and reversing credit accrual transactions from the P.O./Contract Accrual Report for Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

P.O. Accrual Liability AccountRed Asterisk Big

Account number to which to post the credit and reversing debit accrual transaction from the P.O./Contract Accrual Report for relevant Products in this Class (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Cost Of Goods Sold - Customer DamageRed Asterisk Big

Expense account to be debited with the cost of Sales Parts used on Work Order repairs to rented equipment caused by Customer damage (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Revenue - Customer DamageRed Asterisk Big

Sales Revenue account to be credited with the revenue for the Sales Parts used on Work Order repairs to rented equipment caused by Customer damage (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Cost Of Goods Sold - Customer RepairRed Asterisk Big

Expense account to be debited with the cost of sales parts used on Work Order repairs done on equipment owned by the Customer (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

Revenue - Customer RepairRed Asterisk Big

Sales Revenue account to be credited with the revenue for the Sales Parts used on Work Order repairs done on equipment owned by the Customer (must be a valid General Ledger account).

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters 

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Sales Groups Cheat Sheet 


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column name


Format required

GroupRed Asterisk Big

Code for a Group of similar Products (e.g. BML1 for Boom Lifts).

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Description of the associated Group (e.g. 110’ Boom Lifts, 25KW Generators, 50-Ton Hydraulic Jacks).

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Product ClassRed Asterisk Big

Product Class associated with the Group, as described in the Sales Classes spreadsheet. The Product Class code MUST match the Sales Class spreadsheet. 

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Kit #

Kit number associated with the Group (must be a valid kit #). Reminder: A Kit is a list of secondary items that generally accompanies a primary item. Only the primary item should be marked with the Kit number.

Up to 9 alphanumeric characters

Suggested Sales List #

Code associated with the Suggested Sales (must be a valid ssl #). A SSL can be used to recommend other items to be rented when the primary item is rented.

Up to 9 alphanumeric characters

Bulk Group Y/N

Indicates whether or not the Products in this Group are bulk Products.

Y: Yes
N: No

Check Availability Y/N

Defines whether Group availability must be checked prior to creating a Contract. 

Y: Yes
N: No

Default Depreciation Class

Defines the default depreciation class of the Products in this Group (must be a valid Depreciation Class). The Depreciation Class is used to determine the rate of depreciation and the residual percentage.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Liquidation Value

Liquidation value for Products in this Group. This value is used for information purposes as well as for creating data analysis reporting.

Up to 13 numeric characters 

Useful Life Hours

Number of expected useful hours before a Product in this Group is disposed of. This value is used for information purposes as well as for creating data analysis reporting. 

Up to 13 numeric characters 

Useful Life Months

Number of expected useful months before a Product in this Group is disposed of. This value is used for information purposes as well as for creating data analysis reporting. 

Up to 13 numeric characters 


Standard weight associated with Products in this Group.

Up to 11 numeric characters 

Replacement Cost

Defines default replacement cost for Products in this Group.

Up to 10 numeric characters 

Disc% Of Revenue Off List

Discount percentage on the list price of a non-bulk Product based on the amount of revenue it has generated during its rental life.

Up to 5 numeric characters 

Max Disc% From Base List

Maximum discount percentage from the base list which can be applied.

Up to 5 numeric characters 

Create Work Order Y/N/PRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether a Work Order must be generated  when a non-bulk rental Product in this Group is returned. Enter P to be prompted with the option to create a Work Order when non-bulk rental Products in this Group are returned or exchanged.

Y: Yes
N: No
P: Prompt

Suspend Upon Receipt Y/NRed Asterisk Big

Defines whether a suspend period must be applied when a Product in this Group is added to inventory.

Y: Yes
N: No

Warranty Number Of Days

Number of days associated with the default expiration warranty date on Products in this Group.

Up to 3 numeric characters 

Warranty Depot

Defines the party responsible for warranty work (e.g. “In-house”, or the name of the warranty service provider).

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Delivery Charge

Defines the amount to be charged for delivery of Products in this Group.

Up to 13 numeric characters 

Pickup Charge

Defines the amount to be charged for pickup of Products in this Group.

Up to 13 numeric characters 

Freight Charge - Accumulative Y/N

Defines whether freight charges are charged per unit and accumulated by quantity across Groups.

Y: Yes
N: No

Freight Charge - Minimum

Defines the minimum freight charge that should apply to accumulated charges.

Up to 8  numeric characters 

Show On Website Y/N

Defines whether the Product Group should be displayed on the website.

Y: Yes
N: No

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Chart of Accounts Cheat Sheet 


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.
  • Mandatory columns not used by your business should be completed with 'SUSP' for ‘suspense account’.

Field name


Format required

Account NumberRed Asterisk Big

Account identification number generated by your internal systems.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

DescriptionRed Asterisk Big

Description and/or name of the account associated with the account number.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

TypeRed Asterisk Big

Defines the type of account.

A: Asset
L: Liability
R: Revenue
X: Expense

CompressRed Asterisk Big

Field no longer used - no information required

Field no longer used - no information required

Alt. Account Number

Alternate account number (e.g. accounting number from your company’s systems).  

Account number

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Vendor Master Cheat Sheet


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Field name


Format required

NumberRed Asterisk Big

Vendor identification number generated by your internal systems.

Up to 6 alphanumeric characters 

NameRed Asterisk Big

Vendor company name as it should be printed on computer checks.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

A/R Contact

Name of the contact responsible for Accounts Receivable. 

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

A/R Contact Phone

Phone number of the contact responsible for Accounts Receivable. 

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

A/R Contact Extension

Extension number of the contact responsible for Accounts Receivable. 

Up to 4 numeric characters 

Address Line 1

Vendor company address.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Address Line 2

Complementary address information.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters



Up to 20 alphanumeric characters

Province / State

Province or State.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Postal / Zip Code

Postal code or Zip code.

Up to 10 alphanumeric characters

Phone Number

Vendor phone number (general line) 

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Fax Number

Vendor fax number.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Terms Description

Description of the vendor's payment terms.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters


Any comments specific to this vendor.

Up to 40 alphanumeric characters

Due Days

Payment due days per the vendor’s payment terms (e.g. 30 for 30 days).

Up to 4 numeric characters 

Due Days Use Actual Date

Defines whether the due days above describe an actual day (e.g. 30th of the month).

Y: Yes
N: No

Discount Days

Defines the number of days by which an invoice must be paid for a discount to be applicable (e.g. 10 for 10 days).

Up to 4 numeric characters 

Discount Days Use Actual Date

Defines whether the discount days above describe an actual day (e.g. 10th of the month)

Y: Yes
N: No

Discount %

Discount applicable in percentage.

Up to 6 numeric characters 

Tax Code 1

Tax code associated with the vendor location.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Tax Code 2

Tax code associated with the vendor location.

Up to 5 alphanumeric characters

Tax Included On Invoice Bs

Defines whether the vendor typically includes tax amounts on the invoice Total line and does not provide separate tax transaction amounts on invoices.

Y: Yes
N: No

Account Number

Account number assigned to your company by the vendor. 

Up to 16 alphanumeric characters

Email Address

Vendor email address.

Up to 40 alphanumeric characters

Sales Contact Name

Name of the sales representative.

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters

Sales Contact Phone

Phone number of the sales representative.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Sales Contact Fax

Fax number of the sales representative.

10 numeric characters in the following format: XXX-XXX-XXXX

Currency Code

First letter of the vendor’s currency.

C: Canada
N: New Zealand
U: United States
A: Australia


Code of vendor’s country.

3 alphanumeric characters

Purchasing Agent

Active purchasing agent code for this vendor (must be a valid Purchasing Agent Code).

Up to 2 alphanumeric characters

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Vendor Balance Cheat Sheet 


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column name


Format required

Vendor NumberRed Asterisk Big

Number associated with a specific vendor in your systems.

Up to 6 alphanumeric characters

Invoice NumberRed Asterisk Big

Number associated with an open invoice with the vendor.

Up to 9 alphanumeric characters

Invoice DateRed Asterisk Big

Date associated with the invoice number above.


Outstanding BalanceRed Asterisk Big

Balance associated with the invoice number above.

Up to 12 numeric characters

Due DateRed Asterisk Big

Due date of the invoice above.


Discount Date

Discount date associated with the invoice above.



Division number (location) associated with the invoice above (must be a valid division code).

Up to 3 alphanumeric characters

CurrencyRed Asterisk Big

First letter of the vendor’s currency.

C: Canada
N: New Zealand
U: United States
A: Australia

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Customer Balances Cheat Sheet


  • Fields marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk Big are mandatory.

Column name


Format required

Customer NumberRed Asterisk Big

Customer identification number generated by your internal systems (must match the Customer Master file).

Up to 6 alphanumeric characters

Document DateRed Asterisk Big

Date associated with the document issued.


Document NumberRed Asterisk Big

Number associated with the document issued.

Up to 9 alphanumeric characters

Outstanding BalanceRed Asterisk Big

Outstanding balance associated with the document issued.

Up to 13 numeric characters 

Due Date

Due date of the document issued.


Discount Date

Date of the discount associated with the document issued.


Discount %

Discount percentage associated with the document issued.

Up to 6 numeric characters

Purchase Order Number

Purchase order number associated with the document issued.

Up to 20 alphanumeric characters 

DivisionRed Asterisk Big

Business division associated with the Customer (must in a Valid Div Code).

Up to 3 alphanumeric characters

Type (I/P/F)Red Asterisk Big

Defines the type of document.

I: Invoice
P: Payment
F: Finance Charge

CurrencyRed Asterisk Big

First letter of the Customer’s currency.

C: Canada
N: New Zealand
U: United States
A: Australia

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