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Cat Interact
An overview of the Cat Interact integration for Texada ServiceLink.
Quick Reference
- Cat Interact is an online work order communication service that allows dealers to communicate with their customers. Cat Interact integrates with Texada ServiceLink to give you the ability to send and receive customer communications directly via ServiceLink.
- To use Cat Interact in ServiceLink, open the Work Order you’d like to view, then select the Cat Interact tab in the top navigation menu.
- Click the “Go To Cat Interact” button to open the Work Order directly in Cat Interact.
- Click the “Send New Message” button to author a new customer message.
- Click on a past message in the list to view its contents.
- You can also review past Cat Interact messages by clicking the notebook icon
near the top-right corner of the screen, then selecting the “Communication Conversations” tab.
Cat Interact (formerly known as Modern) is an online work order communication service provided by Caterpillar that allows dealers to communicate with their customers. Cat Interact integrates with Texada ServiceLink to give you the ability to send and receive customer communications directly via ServiceLink. The following article will outline ServiceLink’s Cat Interact functionality.
Access Cat Interact
To access Cat Interact from ServiceLink, log in to ServiceLink and open the Work Order you’d like to view, then click the CAT Interact tab in the navigation menu.
Depending on your screen size, you may need to click the right arrow at the far right of the navigation menu to see the CAT Interact tab.
Cat Interact Tab
- Go To Cat Interact Button
Click to open the current Work Order directly in Cat Interact. CWS credentials are required in order to log in and access Cat Interact this way. - Send New Message Button
Click to start authoring a new outgoing message. - Previous Messages
Previous incoming and outgoing messages are listed here. Each message has a Date, Communication Direction, and Status. Click on a message to highlight it and display its contents in the message body area to the right (4). - Message Body
The contents of the currently-selected message are displayed here.
Communication Conversations
In addition to the Cat Interact tab, you can also view Cat Interact messages via the Communication Conversations tab of the Blogs window.
To open the Blogs window, click the notebook icon to the left of the search bar near the top-right corner of the screen. You can then select the Communication Conversations tab to view past Cat Interact messages.