
Price Audit Automation

How to manage your quotes with price audit automation in Handle CRM.

Price Audit Automation is a reporting tool we developed for dealers to:

  1. Refine pricing strategy and ensure their sales are maximizing profitability
  2. Compare the actual vs. ideal selling prices
  3. Auto-calculate differences in % and actual $
  4. Flag individual sales that fall outside of your goals
  5. Create dashboards to see individuals’ key metrics for coaching

With Handle, you can perform price audits that help you refine your pricing strategy and ensure you’re pricing your products high enough.

Our automated audit tool checks different systems to compare prices, pull all the information, and give you a simplified report for review.

No need to expend time and energy searching different systems to find and compare selling prices. We put the data together so you can evaluate your next steps if anything unexpected comes back:

  • What your unit should have sold for
  • What it actually sold for
  • The price difference

This tells you at a glance whether people are selling above or below the recommended value.

Then, once you’ve indicated that it’s been reviewed on the system, the task will automatically complete and be taken off the list.