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Kenect Integration
Kenect integrates texting into business communications, ensuring visibility; consolidate messages in Handle for streamlined management.
Customer communications aren’t limited to phone calls and emails. Today, customers also expect to be able to send direct messages via text. The challenge is, with these types of communications, you lose visibility across the organization with what’s happened with that customer.
With Kenect, you can create a text inbox using your company’s phone lines. And with Handle’s Kenect integration, you can see those text messages inside the Handle account records.
- Send/receive all your text messages to the Kenect platform or through Handle.
- See text messages in the account activity for each account in Handle.
- Connect your business landlines and configure them on a per-store basis.
Note: We’re rolling this feature out to pilot dealers. If you’re interested, please reach out to Texada support.
Kenect + Handle
Kenect is a texting platform that allows you to do business texting via your organizations’ land lines on both computers and mobile devices. Its text inbox works like an email inbox, allowing you to respond, route texts to individuals, and even create auto-responses.
Now, by integrating Kenect and Handle, you can consolidate all your customer communications, including texts, in the account records, so you never lose visibility of what’s happening in any account.
You can also send and receive all your texts to the Kenect platform or send them through Handle. And as you do that, those text messages are visible inside the account activity.
How to Integrate Kenect with Handle
To set up the integration, we need your:
- Kenect API token and secret key
- Kenect user name
- Kenect password
Once you have those items, you can reach out to Texada support and ask us to set it up for you.
How to Find Your Kenect API Token and Secret Key
- Log into your Kenect account.
- In the bottom left, click Settings > Integrations.
- Click API Credentials.
- Click Generate Key.
- Copy your API Key and Secret Key.