How Handle works with EDA & FMiD.
There are 5 important and difficult questions you are likely asking:
How Can We..
- Create effective, yet cost efficient target marketing?
- Differentiate between potential and existing customers?
- Determine when to approach prospects?
- Understand what our prospects need now and will need in the future?
- Understand our market share in the AOR, and how it can be improved?
How Handle Solves your Problems and What You Will Learn
In order to answer all of those questions you need Data on the growers and buyers in your AOR, and Handle to help you consolidate, classify, assign, and contact them.
Some of the best sources of that data are EDA and FMiD (Farm Market iD).
EDA Walk-Through Video
FMiD Walk-through Video
Information you will find in EDA and FMiD
Contact and Operation Details
First it’s important to know who’s in your AOR. The detailed maps and business profiles will tell you where they are located and how they are related to other buyers/growers. |
To understand where a buyer is today, where they may be in the future, and the kind of operation they have, you want to take a look at the sizes of their farms and fields, the kinds of crops they are planting, how many workers they have, and their estimated annual sales. |
Highly Detailed Equipment Profiles
In order to plan how to approach prospects you need to know what equipment they already have and where they are buying or leasing that equipment (whether through a dealership or a bank). The equipment profiles will tell you how many machines are of your brand, and how many of another, as well as specifics as to the type and model numbers. |
Market Share Data
Understanding each buyer and grower is the first step in planning sales calls and marketing strategy. The second is understanding your market share. UCC filings will show you who is selling what equipment to which buyers, as well as the purchase or lease price. |
How Handle Solves Your Problems
Best Practice 1: Centralize and Consolidate
Using the data from FMiD and EDA Handle can cross-reference with your ERP to determine who are existing vs. potential customers in your AOR. In order to avoid further duplication, you can consolidate various buyer’s accounts into a unified account for the farm/business.
Best Practice 2: Classify and Assign
Because you have limited resources, and not all prospects are created equal, you can import grower/buyer data into Handle and using classifications like acreage, planted crops, reported earnings, or the ratio of your brand equipment to another, determine who should be marked an important prospect, and who can go into the Leads Database.
Best Practice 3: Plan and Coach
Once you import the detailed profiles from EDA and FMiD into Handle, and combine it with the information you already have on the prospect in your ERP, you’ll be able to better plan your sales calls and marketing campaigns.
Before calling a prospect you will know what equipment they have, where they bought it, how big their farm is, what they grow…etc. This information all but eliminates cold calling – increasing everything from participation to close ratio.
When planning marketing campaigns you will want to consider your market share in the AOR. For most effective marketing you can differentiate between ads based on what equipment growers own.
For example: you can create a campaign target at prospects that own little to nothing of your brand; or those that own only one type of machine from your brand and the rest from others; or those who own a lot of your brand but purchased it from a different dealer.