Handle CRM

Satisfyd Integration

Handle's integration with Satisfyd provides seamless access to survey data within customer records for efficient follow-up.

Organizations want to be able to integrate Satisfyd scores with the rest of their customer records to be able to follow up quickly and help salespeople prepare for sales calls.

Handle’s Satisfyd integration seamlessly syncs all of your Satisfyd data with your customer records.

  1. Access survey results and store them in Handle 
  2. Use Satisfyd reports for reporting and automations
  3. Use Satisfyd Scores to facilitate salespeople’s sales call

Handle + Satisfyd 

Our out-of-the-box integration connects directly to Satisfyd to display the surveys that have occurred inside the account record. 

When we query their surveys, they have the business system account in there. Click on the account, and it shows you the actual Satisfyd survey, giving you a way to quickly view it.

Configuring Satisfyd

The Satisfyd basic configuration works like this:

Step 1:

Set up – We need your Satisfyd account token, and then we set up the Satisfyd view in the account records view

Step 2:

When you click on the Satisfyd view for an account, we pass that token and the account number to their API, and then we get a list of completed surveys back with this data:

  • Customer Name
  • Survey Id
  • Address
  • City
  • Customer Score
  • Date Returned
  • Email
  • Mobile
  • Survey Url

Satisfyd account page view inside Handle with data highlighted

Step 3:

Clicking on the record in the list opens the Survey Url in the view:

[DOC-2371] 1View of a Satisfyd record from within Handle

Setting Up Alerts from Satisfyd

We can tie Satisfyd scores to the customer account and set up alerts when the system sees a score of, say, six or below. This would create an alert that the account needs attention.

We can also set up requirements for the salesperson to do something — like type in notes, close it out, or take another action — and then bring all that data into the record as well. To set this up, we only need to know what the fields are that would flag this as an issue.

Doing this requires custom configuration in a project.

Having access to survey data from Satisfyd right in Handle accounts and inventory helps your team quickly obtain the insights they need to manage your customers. Need help getting started, contact us at Texada support.