
Zapier Email Parser for Entering New Leads to Handle (Guide)

Zapier Email Parser Automates Lead Entry in Handle to Reduce Manual Data Entry Errors.

Lead generation sources typically alert you to new leads via email, text messages, and chat apps. The challenge is getting those leads into your CRM database so you can follow up with them.

One of the most flexible ways to do that in Handle is with Zapier. When an application emails you that a lead came in, you can set up the Zapier Email Parser to strip the important bits of information from the email and automatically send it to the right fields in Handle as a lead. 

  1. Handle’s API integration with Zapier can automate lead creation from third-party sources
  2. Capture lead details from emails with various formats and data types
  3. Additional workflows can be triggered based on the data from your lead sources

In this guide, we show you the step-by-step process for setting up Zapier and creating your Zaps. 

How the Zapier Connection Works

One of the biggest benefits of Handle is that it takes care of data entry for you, so it’s done automatically, with no errors. The key is to set up the workflow, so data from different sources is entered correctly and triggers the appropriate automations.

For leads, we do this with Zapier Email Parser. 

Your business has likely set up lead sources, such as website forms, John Deere MachineFinder, and Protec. When a lead is generated, these sources send you an email alerting you to the lead. 

By connecting Handle to Zapier Email Parser, you can automatically add these leads to the system. Here’s that process in a nutshell:

  • Forward the lead email to Zapier
  • Zapier will create a lead record in Handle
  • The new record will trigger any automated workflows you have in place

But before that will happen, you’ll need to set up Zapier Email Parsing.

Parsing Email Leads with Zapier

Setting up Zapier Parser is a seven-step process, which we help you with.

  1. Sources – Gather lead sources and examples (customer)
  2. Fields – Verify & setup fields from sources in Handle (CustomerTRAX)
  3. Account – Create or Sign into Zapier
  4. Inbox – Create your Zapier Email Parser addresses
  5. Forwarding – Set up email forwarding to Zapier
  6. Mapping – Parse your email template (ongoing training) 
  7. Publish – Publish and run your Zap

If you have questions or need additional help, contact us at

Step 1. Sources – Gather lead sources and examples 

The first thing you need to do is identify the applications that are sending you leads, and take a screenshot of those emails.

For example, this Request for Evaluation email contains the necessary data to create a lead record:

  • Name (first and last)
  • Address (Location)
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Make
  • Model
  • Year
  • Added Accessories
  • Comments

Step 2. Fields – Verify & set up the fields in Handle

The data from your emails need to be mapped to the fields in the system. And we need to verify those fields are visible. We take care of this for you.

Step 3. Account – Create or sign into Zapier 

Sign into Zapier or create an account if you don’t already have one. You must verify your email address before a parser account can be set up.

Step 4. Inbox – Create your Zapier Email Parser addresses

You’ll need to create a separate parsing mailbox for each lead source. For each mailbox, follow these three steps:

1: Create a mailbox with a custom Zapier email address, like It’s a good idea to create an address that identifies the lead source. Then send an email to Zapier to use as your template.

2: Highlight and save the text in your template that you want to extract from future emails. Give each snippet a name that describes the type of data you’re highlighting.

3: Choose the pieces of the email you’d like to send as data to Handle.

Now, all you have to do is send an email to the appropriate Zapier mailbox, and it will parse the data you’ve indicated.

Step 5. Forward – Set up email forwarding to Zapier

At this point, we verify that Zapier is pulling the data correctly by checking the first 10 leads.

We’ll ask you to forward us the first 10 emails from each lead source so we can check them. If needed, a supplemental “Extra template” will be set up to make sure fields are pulling in as expected.

Step 6. Mapping – Parse your email template (ongoing training)

Now, we need to determine where you’d like that data to populate into your Handle lead entity.

For example, this email pulls the lead’s name, phone number, email address, the listing, listing details, and the message.

You need to determine where that data will show up in Handle. We’ll make sure it’s set up properly.

Step 7. Publish your Zap

Setting up your Zap is simple. Follow these steps:

1: Inside Zapier, click “Create Zap.” 

2: Set the “Trigger.” You can search apps to find the app that will trigger the Zap.

3: Type in “Parser” and select Email Parser by Zapier App.

Zapier 1

4: Set your “Trigger Event.” This should be “New Email.”

Zapier 2

5: Choose Account. This is the “Parser Account” you created above.

Zapier 3

6: Set up the trigger. This will be the parser email associated with the lead source. (Remember, you set up a unique email for each source in Step 4 above.)

7: Test trigger: Verify the Zap is pulling from the correct source by clicking on the “Test trigger” button.

8: Set your “Action.” Type “Handle” into the search bar and select CustomerTrax Handle.

Once your Zap is functioning, you can set your email filters to automatically forward lead email into your Parser. This pulls data from emails to create new leads in Handle without you having to do anything. 

From there, you can trigger other automations, such as lead assignment, follow-ups, and more.

Setting Up Zapier 

To ensure your connection works properly, we recommend Zapier’s Starter Plan or higher. A paid plan gives you full functionality while protecting you from monthly lead caps.

The Free plan only allows you to create single-step Zaps, which may limit what you can do. And it’s limited to only 100 Zaps every 30 days. If you have a high volume of leads, this won’t be enough. 

Ready to Get Started?

Handle’s integration with Zapier Email Parser is a clean, simple solution that we set up with almost every new customer to automate data entry. To get started, reach out to