Handle CRM

PO Data and PDF Integration

Handle CRM seamlessly integrates external data: POs, PDFs, & more, streamlining your workflow. Real-time access, simplified tasks.

Often, when you’re performing a task in Handle, you need to reference or import data that’s stored in external databases. 

The real power of Handle is that you can access all of this data without ever leaving the app. You can pull in a purchase order, PDF, or Satisfyd survey, for example, saving time and effort as you perform your day-to-day tasks.

  • Integrate any external data with the Handle CRM
  • Get real-time access to important data, including POs, PDFs, data files, and raw data
  • View external PDFs and data files from multiple sources in just one window

Integrate External Data in Real Time

As you know, Handle can easily pull in and integrate data from all your business systems or platforms, allowing you to search, view, and manipulate the data without leaving the application.

But many times, you need to access data that’s on a system or platform you don’t own, or you want to pull in time-sensitive information that’s updated regularly. 

Handle takes care of these situations as well, consolidating or pulling data from multiple sources and bringing it together into one window for the user.

Example #1: Purchase Orders

PO integration is a good example of this functionality. Let’s say you’re working through a quote or a deal with someone who has a different workflow process, and they want to display the raw PO data that exists in another quoting package or system. 

Inside Handle, you can open up that data, so it’s available to anyone working on the deal. 

To open the data, click into any place inside of Handle. That creates a service call to the other system and brings back the raw data pieces you’ve requested. 

Now, you can review all the relevant data in one place, without having to open the third-party application and hunt for the data you need. 

PO Data and PDF Integration 1

In this case, all of the data related to the deal has been pulled in next to the purchase order. Simply click the data cards to expand and see more details.

Example #2: PDFs and Files Generated in Other Applications

If you have PDFs or other files that were generated in another application, Handle can call those services and display the files for you. 

Instead of just grabbing the raw data, it pulls in the complete file, so you can open it, expand it, zoom in, or download it without having to go out and log into another application.

The Options Are Endless

Handle can integrate with any external system that has an API, For example:

Dealer Inventory: Without leaving Handle, you can track dealer inventory from their application. Simply pull up an inventory record to find the location and physicality of the equipment you’re looking for — in real time. 

EDA iFrame integration: Our integration gets accounts’ equipment financing history from EDA data to help identify when to start presale engagement or see when there’s sales opportunities with your accounts.

Satisfyd surveys: This is a survey company that goes out and checks on how happy customers are about their service, parts, and purchases. We can pull survey responses into the customer record, allowing you to view them side-by-side with the customer account data, financials, and purchases. 

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Get Started Today

If you’d like to build integrations with external sources, you only need to identify the data you want to pull into Handle. If the other application has an API and allows integrations, we can take care of it for you.

In many cases, the integration already exists. We just need to set it up. But if you’d like an additional integration that doesn’t already exist, you only need to reach out at https://texadasoftware.com/support/ . We’ll talk about what you need and how we can build it.