- Texada Knowledge Base
- Rental: GateWay
- New Administration Panel
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Sales: Equipment CRM
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Rental: SRM
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Rental: GateWay
- Getting Started
- New Administration Panel
- Administration Panel
- Administration Panel - CMS
- Administration Panel - Products, Categories, and Attributes
- Administration Panel - Users
- Administration Panel - Requests
- Customer Access Portal
- Customer Access Portal - Rentals
- Customer Access Portal - Invoices
- eCommerce Websites
- eCommerce Websites - Ordering
- Integrations
Rental: Texada Mobile
Rental: Texada Pay
Rental: Texada Web
Rental: WorkFlow
Sales: Customer Order to Invoice
Sales: iMACS
Sales: iQuote
Service: Condition Monitoring Portal
Service: Equipment Monitoring Toolkit
Service: Parts & Service Quoter
Service: Service Agreement Quoting
Sales & Service: CloudLink
Sales & Service: Tools
Web Requests
An overview of the Web Requests page in the new GateWay Administration Panel.
Quick Reference
- The Web Requests page in the new GateWay administration panel allows you to view a history of requests made to your eCommerce sites. To reach this page, select Logs → Web Requests from the left navigation menu.
- Use the search bar and Open/Completed/Both toggle at the top of the Web Requests page to filter the list of submitted requests.
The Web Requests page in the new GateWay administration panel allows you to view a history of requests made to your eCommerce sites, including payments and requests for quotation.
To reach this page, select Logs → Web Requests from the left navigation menu.
Web Requests
- Search Bar
Begin typing into the search bar to filter the list of requests by the text entered. This will search by Booking Request ID, User email, and Site Name. - Open / Completed / Both Toggle
Use this toggle to filter requests by status - open, completed, or both. - Requests Table
Requests are listed in this table. The appearance of this table can be modified; for more information, see “Working with Tables”. - Request
Each incoming request appears as a row in the requests table.
Requests Table - Columns
The requests table comprises the following columns:
- Booking Request ID: The request’s unique ID. Booking Request IDs are assigned in ascending order – the request submitted after request 756 will have a booking ID of 757.
- User email: The email address of the user who submitted the request.
- Request Date: The date on which the request was submitted.
- Payment Method: The request’s payment method.
- Total Payable: The request’s total payable amount, if any. Quotation requests will show N/A in this column.
- Site Name: The name of the job site entered by the user at the time the request was submitted.
- Instructions: Any additional instructions entered by the client at the time the request was submitted.