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- New Administration Panel
- Administration Panel
- Administration Panel - CMS
- Administration Panel - Products, Categories, and Attributes
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- Administration Panel - Requests
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Service Requests
An overview of the Service Requests page in the GateWay Administration Panel.
Quick Reference
- The Service Requests page in the new GateWay administration panel allows you to review and resolve service requests submitted by your clients. To reach this page, select Logs → Service Requests from the left navigation menu.
- Use the search bar at the top of the page to filter the list of service requests.
- Click on a request’s row in the table to view more information about that request.
- Use the Status buttons to toggle the request’s status between Pending to Completed.
- Click the “Delete Request” button to delete the request.
The Service Requests page in the new GateWay administration panel allows you to review and resolve service requests submitted by your clients.
To reach this page, select Logs → Service Requests from the left navigation menu.
Service Requests
- Search Bar
Begin typing into the search bar to filter the list of requests by the text entered. This will search by User, Company, Product, and Service Issue. - Requests Table
Service requests are listed in this table. The appearance of this table can be modified; see “Working with Tables” for more information. - Service Request
Each service request appears as a row in the requests table. Click on a service request to see its details; see “Request Details” for more information.
Requests Table - Columns
The requests table comprises the following columns:
- User: The customer who submitted the service request.
- Company: The company at which the customer who submitted the service request belongs.
- Product: The product for which the service request was submitted.
- Service Issue: The issue with the product as reported by the customer when they submitted the service request.
- Status: The request’s current status (Pending or Completed).
- Date: The date on which the request was submitted.
Request Details
Click on a service request’s row in the table to open the Service Request details window. This window contains more information about the request and allows you to change its status.
- Customer Info
Information on the customer who submitted the request, including their name, company, and contact information. This information is read-only. - Status Toggle
Use to toggle the request’s status between Pending and Completed. - Request Info
Information about the request, including the date of submission, the Contract number, and the affected Product. This information is read-only. - Delete Request Button
Click to delete the service request. - Cancel Button
Click to close the Service Request window without saving your changes. - Save Button
Click to save your changes and close the Service Request window.