
Draft Contracts

All about draft Contracts in Texada Web.

Quick Reference

  • A Contract is a binding document between a renter and their customer containing the details of the rental or sale. A draft Contract is a Contract that has been created and saved but not finalized. 
  • To create a draft Contract in Texada Web:
    • Open the Create Contract page at Contracts → Create Contract.
    • Fill out the information for your Contract.
    • Click the down arrow to the right of the “Create Contract” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to reveal the “Save Draft” button. Click this button to save your new Contract as a draft.
  • To manage draft Contracts, navigate to the Contract Draft List page, located at Contracts → Draft List.
  •  To convert a draft Contract to a live Contract:
    • Open the Contract Draft List page and locate the draft Contract you’d like to convert. Click on it to open its edit page.
    • Click the down arrow to the right of the “Save” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to reveal the “Save as Contract” button. Click this button to promote your draft Contract to a live Contract.


A Contract is a binding document between a renter and their customer containing the details of the rental or sale. In Texada Web, a draft Contract is a Contract that has been created and saved but not finalized.

Draft Contracts give Texada Web users the ability to capture Contract details without billing the Customer. Unless the “Book Selected Groups/Products” option is enabled in Texada SRM at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → System → Company Parameters → Contract Parameters → Documents → Counter Worksheet Parameters, Product availability will also be unaffected.

Once created, draft Contracts can be reviewed and edited by different Users, then converted to live Contracts when ready.

Create a Draft Contract

To create a draft Contract in Texada Web:

  1. Open the Create Contract page at Contracts → Create Contract.
  2. Fill out the information for your Contract. Note that you can save a Contract as a draft even if required fields are not filled out.
  3. Click the down arrow to the right of the “Create Contract” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to reveal the “Save Draft” button. Click this button to save your new Contract as a draft.

You will be automatically prompted to create a draft Contract whenever you try to navigate away from the Create Contract screen. When this pop-up appears, simply click the “Proceed” button to save the Contract as a draft in its current state.

View and Manage Draft Contracts

Draft Contracts can be managed via the Contract Draft List page in Texada Web, located at Contracts → Draft List. For more information, see “The Contract Draft List Page”.

Convert a Draft Contract to a Live Contract

To convert a draft Contract to a live Contract:

  1. Open the Contract Draft List page and locate the draft Contract you’d like to convert. Click on it to open its edit page.
  2. Click the down arrow to the right of the “Save” button in the bottom-right corner of the screen to reveal the “Save as Contract” button. Click this button to promote your draft Contract to a live Contract. Note that you can only do this once all required fields are filled out.