Rental Asset Management for Cranes

Add Equipment

An overview of the Add Equipment window in Texada WorkFlow.


When adding or editing an order line in Texada WorkFlow, you will have the opportunity to add equipment to that order line. This is done via the Add Equipment window. The following article provides an overview of this window.

Add Equipment

Add Equipment NUMBERED

  1. Equipment Filters
    Select or enter information into these fields to filter the equipment table (4) by the criteria entered. Click “Search” to apply the currently-selected filters. Click “Reset” to clear all filters and display all equipment.
  2. Add Selected Button
    Click to add the selected equipment to your order line and advance to the next screen.
  3. Show Search Toggle
    Click to show or hide the equipment filters (1).
  4. Equipment Table
    All of the pieces of equipment that match the current filters are listed here.
  5. Select Equipment
    Click the checkbox Checkbox black on green WorkFlow next to a piece of equipment to select it. You can then click the Add Selected button (2) to add it to the order line.