Rental Asset Management for Cranes

Edit Order Line

An overview of the Edit Order Line window in Texada WorkFlow.


The following article will provide an overview of the Edit Order Line window in Texada WorkFlow. This window is used whenever you create a new order line or edit an existing order line, for example from the Asset Planning screen.

Edit Order Line

The Edit Order Line window has three subpages, accessible via the left navigation menu: Order Line Info, Invoices, and Vendor Info.

Edit Order Line NUMBERED

  1. Planned Start Date
    The date and time at which the order line is scheduled to be started.
  2. Planned End Date
    The date and time at which the order line is scheduled to be completed.
  3. Actual Start Date
    The actual date and time at which the order line was started. This value is read-only.
  4. Actual End Date
    The actual date and time at which the order line was completed. This value is read-only.
  5. Is Sale Checkbox
    Check this box to indicate that the order line is a sale.
  6. Invoice
    The invoice number associated with this order line, if any.
  7. Vendor Product No.
    The vendor’s product number for the product on the order line.
  8. Unit Cost
    The unit cost of the product on the order line.
  9. Save Button
    Click to save your changes and create the order line.