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Commissions - Enable Commission Approval Based On COTI Checklist Item Completion
This feature is now available to all CloudLink customers via a configuration key.
A new feature has been added to our Commissions module: you can now designate checklist items in COTI to be required for commission approval! If enabled, this feature will prevent a commission from being approved unless specific checklist items are completed.
COTI Checklist Screen
When creating or editing a checklist item in COTI, a new “Must be complete prior to commissions approval” checkbox will be visible. Check this checkbox to make this checklist item required for commission approval. Any commissions including this item cannot be approved until it is complete.
When viewing commissions in SalesLink, the approval checkbox will be hidden for any commission that has one or more incomplete mandatory checklist items.
Configuration Key
This update adds one new configuration key to CloudLink Console: “Enable COTI checklist items to prevent commission approval”, or ckglobal.ChecklistItem.Commission.Approval.
This key determines whether or not COTI required checklist items will prevent commissions from being approved. It also determines the visibility of the “Must be complete prior to commissions approval” checkbox.
- Enabled: The “Must be complete prior to commissions approval” checkbox will be visible. All checklist items for which this checkbox is checked must be completed before commissions can be approved. Attempting to approve a commission with outstanding checklist items will result in a warning message.
- Disabled: Commissions can be approved regardless of the status of their checklist items.
For more information on how to manage configuration keys in CloudLink Console, see “Manage Configuration Keys”.