
SalesLink PSE Integration

All about SalesLink’s integration with Caterpillar Prioritized Service Events (PSEs).

In This Article


Prioritized Service Events, or PSEs, are proactive maintenance alerts generated by Caterpillar and communicated to equipment dealers who deal in Caterpillar products. The purpose of a PSE is to identify potential machine issues before they escalate into downtime, and to give equipment dealers the ability to sell preventative maintenance work to their customers.

PSEs are an important source of parts and service leads for equipment dealers. As such, Texada SalesLink has the ability to ingest Caterpillar PSEs and use them to generate SalesLink Opportunities. 

The following article contains everything you need to know about SalesLink’s PSE integration, including setup, configuration, and tips for working with Caterpillar-generated leads in SalesLink.

SalesLink supports two kinds of PSEs: Sales PSEs and Marketing PSEs (MPSEs). Support for MPSEs was added in the 2024.1107 version of Texada CloudLink. Watch the video below to learn more.

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The ability to import Sales PSEs from Caterpillar is included in SalesLink. If you are unsure whether your system has the ability to ingest PSEs, or would like to enable this functionality, please reach out to your Texada account representative.

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Enable Marketing PSEs

Before Marketing PSEs can be imported into SalesLink, Caterpillar and Texada must establish an API connection. This can be accomplished by submitting a support ticket through Caterpillar’s Aftermarket Sales or Marketing Communities (ASC or AMC):

  1. Log in to either the ASC or AMC and select Support → Contact Us → New from the top menu to submit a support ticket.
  2. Include the following information in the New Case window:
    1. Subject: <Dealer Code> Request to enable Marketing PSE connection - Texada Dealer
    2. Description: Request to enable the Marketing PSE connection via API for Dealer X
  3. Click “Save” to submit your request. Caterpillar will now work with Texada to create a Marketing PSE connection. You will be contacted once your system is ready to start importing MPSEs.

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Importing PSEs

Importing PSEs from Caterpillar into SalesLink requires access to Caterpillar’s Aftermarket Sales Community (ASC) for Sales PSEs, or Aftermarket Marketing Community (AMC) for Marketing PSEs. Using these tools, you can manually trigger PSEs to be brought into SalesLink.

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Import Sales PSEs

To import Sales PSEs from Caterpillar’s ASC into SalesLink, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to Caterpillar ASC and navigate to Sales PSEs → Available PSEs in the top menu.
  2. Use the filters on the Available PSEs screen to select the Sales PSEs to be processed.
  3. Scroll down to the Sales Prioritized Service Events table at the bottom of the Available PSEs screen. Click the down arrow in the top-right corner of the table, then select “Process PSEs”.
  4. Click “Send” to queue the selected Sales PSEs for importing.

PSE leads are imported into SalesLink daily at 6:00am system time (the timezone of your CloudLink system as established during the onboarding process). Any Sales PSEs queued using the process above will be brought into SalesLink during the next daily import.

When imported, Sales PSEs will be assigned to the first PSSR of the Opportunity’s Customer for the Division specified on the PSE.

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Import Marketing PSEs

In order to import MPSEs into SalesLink, the “Enable CAT PSE Marketing Leads” configuration key must be enabled in CloudLink Console.

To import MPSEs into SalesLink, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to Caterpillar AMC and navigate to Marketing PSEs → Available PSEs in the top menu.
  2. Use the filters on the Available PSEs screen to select the MPSEs to be processed.
  3. Scroll down to the Overview table at the bottom of the Available PSEs screen. Click the down arrow in the top-right corner of the table, then select “Process PSEs”.
  4. Click “Send” to queue the selected MPSEs for importing.

PSE leads are imported into SalesLink daily at 6:00am system time (the timezone of your CloudLink system as established during the onboarding process). Any MPSEs queued using the process above will be brought into SalesLink during the next daily import.

When they are imported, MPSEs will be unassigned. You can bulk reassign these Leads via the Manage - Opportunity, Activity and Issue Status secured module. See “Bulk Update Opportunities” for more information.

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For dealers who would like to automatically import Sales and Marketing PSEs into SalesLink, Caterpillar offers an auto-distribution option. Once set up, auto-distribution allows PSEs to be imported daily without the need to access the AMC or ASC.

If you are interested in auto-distribution, please contact your Caterpillar Marketing and Sales Operations Representative (MSOR).

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Exporting PSEs

PSE leads are exported to Caterpillar daily at 5:30am system time (the timezone of your CloudLink system as established during the onboarding process). The following table describes which Opportunities are eligible for exporting. If an Opportunity meets ALL of the listed criteria, it will be exported to Caterpillar.

Dealer-Originated Opportunities:
  • Opportunity Type: Parts OR Service
  • Manufacturer: Caterpillar
  • Opportunity Stage: NEITHER “Lead” NOR “No Lead”
  • PSE Type: NOT empty
Caterpillar-Originated Opportunities:
  • Opportunity Type: Parts OR Service
  • Opportunity Stage: NOT “Lead”
  • Additional criterion for Marketing PSEs: Belongs to a campaign AND Opportunity Stage NOT “No Lead”

For detailed information on which PSE data is sent to Caterpillar, see “Appendix A: PSE Data Exported to Caterpillar”.

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Working with PSEs

The following section contains information about how to work with Caterpillar-generated Opportunities in SalesLink.

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PSE Type

The PSE type with which a SalesLink Opportunity is associated is indicated by the “PSE Type” field on the Add New Opportunity and Opportunity details pages:

The behavior of this field is highly conditional based on your system settings and the properties of the Opportunity itself:

  • The PSE Type field will only appear for dealer-generated Parts and Service Opportunities with a Product Make of “CATERPILLAR”. It is not possible for a SalesLink user to change the PSE Type of Caterpillar-originated Opportunities.
  • Whether the PSE Type field is hidden, optional, or mandatory is determined by the “PSE Type Field Visibility” configuration key.
  • Whether a PSE Type field is automatically selected based on the Product Category or Commodity is determined by the “Map product category and product commodity to PSE Type” configuration key.
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Mapping Product Categories and Commodities to PSE Types


If the “Map product category and product commodity to PSE Type” configuration key is enabled, the PSE Type field will be set automatically based on the Product Category (for Service Opportunities) or Commodity (for Parts Opportunities). This feature is incredibly useful, as it eliminates the need for your SalesLink users to manually select a PSE Type, and ensures that the correct PSE Type will be selected in all cases.

The mapping of Categories and Commodities to PSE Types is managed via the Manage - PSE Type Mapping secured module. See “Manage - PSE Type Mapping” for more information.

When mapping Categories and Commodities to PSE Types, it is important to remember the following:

  • Creating a mapping with a Category / Commodity but no PSE Type will cause matching Opportunities to be given a blank PSE Type value. As a result, these Opportunities will not be exported to Caterpillar.
  • As long as the “Map product category and product commodity to PSE Type” configuration key is enabled, editing an existing PSE mapping will retroactively change the PSE Type of ALL matching Opportunities that meet the following criteria: 
      • Type: Parts or Service
      • Origin: Dealer-created
      • Stage: Open
      • Make: Caterpillar
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Outstanding Leads

The Outstanding Leads page provides SalesLink users with an easy way to view Opportunities originating from Sales and Marketing PSE Leads. After navigating to this page, select “CAT PSE Lead - Marketing” and/or “CAT PSE Lead - Sales” from the “Source” drop-down to view outstanding Leads grouped by age and assignee.

Click on any of the hyperlinked numbers in the table to view matching Leads in list view.

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Opportunity Pipeline

The Opportunity Pipeline page provides more options for viewing PSE leads. One such method involves switching to the “By Sources” tab and checking the “Lead” checkbox. After applying this filter, you will see a CAT PSE Lead - Marketing and a CAT PSE Lead - Sales row in the pipeline. 

Click any of the hyperlinked numbers in these rows to view a list of Opportunities for that time period.

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Opportunity Details

The “Source” field on the Opportunity Details page allows you to see the origin of a given SalesLink Opportunity, and as such, identify Opportunities created from Sales and Marketing PSEs.

Opportunities with a Source of “CAT PSE Lead - Marketing” are restricted to having an Additional Source of “Campaign response”. Opportunities with a Source of “CAT PSE Lead - Sales” may have a blank Additional Source, or an Additional Source of “Campaign response”.

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Bulk Update Opportunities

SalesLink Leads and Opportunities can be edited in bulk with the help of the Manage - Opportunity, Activity and Issue Status secured module in SalesLink - Executive. This module provides filtering options for Opportunities originating from Sales and Marketing PSE leads, allowing you to target these Opportunities for bulk updates.

After navigating to this module, set the Report Type to “Opportunity”. Open the “Source” drop-down, then either scroll down or begin typing into the filter bar to locate the “CAT PSE Lead - Marketing” or “CAT PSE Lead - Sales” options. Select one or both of these options to see a list of Caterpillar-originated Opportunities that you can edit in bulk.

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Manage PSE Opportunity Source Group

The Source Group of Sales and Marketing PSE Opportunities can be modified via the Manage - Opportunity Source secured module in SalesLink - Executive. See “Manage - Opportunity Source” for more information.

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Configuration Keys

The following section lists configuration keys that affect the behavior of PSEs in SalesLink. These configuration keys can be viewed and managed in CloudLink Console; see “Manage Configuration Keys” for more information.

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Enable CAT PSE Marketing Leads

Key: ckCommon.CAT.PSE.MarketingLeads.Enable

This key determines whether or not CAT marketing PSE leads (MPSEs) will be imported into SalesLink.

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Map product category and product commodity to PSE Type

Key: ckCommon.PSEOpportunity.MapProductCategoryToPSEType

This key determines whether or not the PSE Type of SalesLink Opportunities will be automatically set based on the Product Category and Commodity mappings established in the Manage - PSE Type Mapping secured module.

  • (1) Disabled
    • The PSE Type of SalesLink Opportunities will not be set automatically. 
    • SalesLink users will be able to set this value manually via the Opportunity details screen.
  • (2) Enabled
    • The PSE Type of SalesLink Opportunities will be set based on the mappings established in the Manage - PSE Type Mapping secured module.
      • For Service Opportunities, PSE Type of will be set based on Product Category.
      • For Parts Opportunities, PSE Type of will be set based on Commodity.
    • If a mapping is found for the Opportunity’s Category / Commodity, its PSE Type will be set automatically, and SalesLink users will not be able to edit this value.
    • If no mapping exists for the Opportunity’s Category / Commodity, its PSE Type will be left blank, and SalesLink users will be able to set this value manually via the Opportunity details screen.


  • Enabling this configuration key will NOT automatically update the PSE Type of existing Opportunities. 
  • Editing an existing Opportunity while this key is enabled WILL update its PSE Type if a mapping is found.
  • If you want to retroactively update the PSE Type of existing Opportunities without editing them individually, this can be accomplished by updating the mapping on the PSE Type Mapping Management screen.
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PSE Type Field Visibility

Key: ckCommon.Opportunity.CATType.Show

This key determines the visibility and behavior of the “PSE Type” field on the Add New Opportunity screen.

  • (1) Hide: The PSE Type field will not be displayed. A PSE Type will still be set in the background if the Opportunity’s Product Category / Commodity matches one of the mappings established in the Manage - PSE Type Mapping secured module.
  • (2) Show (Mandatory): The PSE Type field will be displayed, and it will be mandatory to select a PSE Type in order to create an Opportunity.
  • (3) Show (Optional): The PSE Type field will be displayed, and will be optional.
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PSE Type - Behavior Flowchart

The following flowchart describes the behavior of the “PSE Type” field on the Add New Opportunity page based on the running values of the “PSE Type Field Visibility” and “Map product category and product commodity to PSE Type” configuration keys.

Click to view the full-sized image.

PSE Type Field Behavior Flowchart

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Appendix A: PSE Data Exported to Caterpillar

The following table shows the information exported to Caterpillar for each PSE during the daily export process.

  • Database Field Name: The field’s name in SalesLink’s database. Most of this data comes from the Opportunity header.
  • SalesLink Field Name: The field’s name in SalesLink’s user interface. If this value is blank, the field is not visible in SalesLink. These are the default labels for these fields; the labels in your system may differ.
  • Caterpillar API Field Name: The name of the Caterpillar field to which the SalesLink field is matched. 

Database Field Name

SalesLink Field Name

Caterpillar API Field Name


Opp No



Opp No









Est. Revenue



Est. Delivery


















Probability Of Closing





dbo.vPSE_Lead.PrioritizedServiceEventId IS NULL






SalesRepNo (If User was not a sales rep, '000' + UserId)







Entered By






Campaign Name



Start Date



End Date









Serial Number






Customer Profile → Expenditures → select expenditure type/date → Invoice Number



PSE Type





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