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July 2024 Support Update: Continuing Our Support Improvements

Over the past several months, we have seen improvements in the time it takes our Support team to investigate, escalate or address your issues. We are pleased to report that we’ve seen a 37% improvement in both response & resolution times since the first of the year. We are committed to continuing to improve our support for you and your business with enhanced processes and tools in the coming months.

Your Journey Begins at the Help Center

Please bookmark the Texada Help Center if you have not already. Non-urgent issues should be submitted through our Ticket Form, and urgent issues should be called into our Phone Support Line. Now is a great time to share the Help Center URL and these phone numbers with key members of your organization.

A Texada ticket number is our commitment that we have your issue and will address it. If you have a question, a request, or want to report a bug, please make sure to raise a ticket in the Help Center so you have a ticket number and can refer to it as we engage with you.

We’ve reduced ticket backlogs by 25% over the past year and added new tools & processes that we are excited to share with you.

Recent Improvements Include:

  • Multi-Select status filtering in the Ticket Portal
    • It is now possible to filter the ticket list using multiple ticket statuses through the status filter option in the top right corner of the Ticket List page.
  • Most Searched Articles
    • In the Texada Knowledge Base, you can now find the most searched-for content to quickly and easily get your questions answered. Every week we add new content. We will also be launching more learning content through Texada Academy in the coming months.
  • New Archived Ticket Status
    • Starting this month, we are archiving tickets that have been in a closed status for more than 60 days, with full visibility remaining in our ticket portal. This will allow you to more easily see the content relevant to you right now.
    • Closed issues may be reopened within 60 days. If an issue resurfaces after this period, we want to ensure a full re-triage effort is made on our end and avoid the chance of similar-looking but distinct issues co-existing in the same ticket.
  • Updated Times for Tickets Waiting for your Response 
    • For tickets in the status of On Hold: Response Required, if we do not hear from you in 4 days, we will send a follow-up email, and if we do not hear from you in 7 days, we will send a second email advising we are closing the case with the status of Closed with No Response. These tickets are still searchable in our Ticket Portal and can be reopened by providing an update.

Thank you for your Feedback

We read every feedback survey sent in with comments. We celebrate the positive feedback and take action to improve on the constructive feedback. Thank you for your engagement with this important process as we strongly believe it makes us better.

We appreciate your input over the past several months as we’ve been making these improvements. We look forward to continuing to enhance our tools and processes to serve you better.