Rental Management

2024.0829 Texada Rental Management Release Notes


These notes address new features and code fixes for version 2024.0829 of the Texada Rental Management suite of products. Release dates for this version are as follows:

North America: Thursday, September 5th, 2024 @ 9PM EST
APAC: Thursday, September 5th, 2024 @ 9PM AEST

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Release Highlights

Texada Mobile - Photo Markup

It is now possible to mark up photos uploaded to Texada Mobile! Draw on photos submitted to Inspections, Work Orders, or Tickets to call attention to areas of interest. Additionally, all photos taken in Texada Mobile will now be automatically stamped with the date and time at which they were taken.

Texada GateWay

Ticket #



Resolved an issue in which certain automated alerts and reports were being sent blank.


The User list page in the new GateWay Administration Panel has been updated to improve synchronization with Texada SRM. 


User creation via the new GateWay Administration Panel has been restricted to GateWay administrators.

Texada Mobile

Ticket #



Texada Mobile will now automatically check for updates and prompt the user to update if a new version is available.


A number of enhancements have been made to the way that photos are handled in Texada Mobile:

  • A new markup photo option has been added. When taking or uploading photos for Inspections, Tickets, and Work Orders, it is now possible to draw on photos to highlight areas of interest.
  • Photos taken in Texada Mobile will now automatically be stamped with the date and time on which they were taken.



On the Ticket Detail screen, the "Photos" section has been renamed to "Photo Summary".


Resolved an issue in which sessions were occasionally not properly cleared upon logging out from the Texada mobile application.


Resolved an issue affecting Work Orders in which selecting a Part with a decimal number in its availability would occasionally cause the application to crash.


Resolved an issue in which tapping the "Help Center" link in the left navigation menu would result in a 404 error.


Texada Web

Ticket #



The default sort order of the Work Order History tab of the Asset Details page has been updated. By default, Work Orders will now be sorted in descending chronological order (most recent first).


The appearance of the User Settings page has been updated. A number of deprecated options have been removed.


When editing a Contract, adding or modifying a Product or Service will no longer automatically save the Contract and transition it out of editing mode. Instead, changes will only be saved once the "Save" button is clicked.


Resolved an issue affecting the Products tab of the Create / Edit Contract screen in which Product Availability would not always display correctly.


Resolved an issue affecting the Ticket Scheduling page in which the last 3 Drivers selected in the Drivers filter in the top-right corner of the screen would be deselected upon logging out from Texada Web and logging back in.