Sales Rep - On The Go

SalesLink - On The Go - Account Plans

How Customer Plans Work

In order to create a customer plan, log into Saleslink Sales Rep and choose the customer you would like to create a customer plan for.

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Once you have selected a customer, click on the “Customer Plans” link from the customer view, left menu. This link will display all plans created by the SalesRep for this customer. Click on the “Add new” button to add a new customer plan for this customer.

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Then click on “Add New”:

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Once you’re in the “Add customer plan” page select the year you would like to use and status “in progress by rep”. Fill out the fields for customer specific details on the customer plan, then click the “Save” button:

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Clicking the save button will save the new plan and allow the Sales Rep to the edit the page with some more information about the Action Plans per Quarter. The page consists of 3 areas: the header, the customer plan, and the action plan.

Once you create a customer plan for a customer, each plan for this customer will be listed under the Customer Plans section in the left side toolbar.

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Edit an Account Plan

To edit an existing account plan click on the account plans link located in the top accounts pull down menu. This view will list all customer plans for this sales rep and for all accounts. This link can be accessed via SalesLink - Sales Rep or SalesLink - Executive.

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Each Sales Rep can list his own plans only and edit them if the status is not Reviewed by Manager.

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Change the Status of a Plan to "Reviewed by Manager"

Managers can list all the plans in the system but update only his or her Sales Reps' plans.

A manager needs to log into SalesLink executive in order to change the status of a plan to Reviewed by Manager.

Log into SalesLink - Executive, then select Customers Account Plans from the top menu. Click on the pencil icon next to a plan to edit it. Filters can also be applied for easy access to a reps list:

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Once you are on the edit page for the plan, you can change the status using the drop down menu for status in the header.

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