An overview of the Reservations List page in Texada Web.
Quick Reference
- A Reservation is a pre-Contract document that allows an equipment salesperson to estimate the cost of a potential Contract.
- The Reservations List Page in Texada Web allows you to manage existing Reservations. To reach this page, select Bookings → Reservations from the left navigation menu.
- Use the controls at the top of the page to filter the list of Reservations.
- Click the pen icon
under the “eSignature” column to electronically sign a Reservation.
- Click the plus icon / pencil icon
under the “Assigned To” column to assign a User to the Reservation. This is the User that will be able to use the Staging feature in Texada Mobile to select the Products to go out on the Reservation.
- Begin typing a name into the “Stager” search bar, then click on a User to assign them to the Reservation.
- After staging, the Assigned To window can be used to view the results of the staging. Assets that could not be selected will be marked with a red flag icon
. Assets with accompanying inspection forms will be marked with an eye icon
. Click this icon to view the completed inspection form.
A Reservation is a pre-Contract document that allows an equipment salesperson to estimate the cost of a potential Contract and reserve equipment at the Group level. Once the client has provided their approval, a Reservation can be converted into a Contract.
The Reservations List Page in Texada Web lists the Reservations that currently exist in the system, and allows you to change the User assigned to each Reservation. To reach this page, log in to Texada Web and select Bookings → Reservations from the left navigation menu.
New Reservations can be created using the Reservations utility in Texada SRM. It is not currently possible to create new Reservations in Texada Web.
Reservations List
- Date Range Selector
The range of dates for which Reservations will be displayed. Use the start and end date selectors to create a custom date range, or use the drop-down to pick from a list of ranges. - Open / Closed / Both Toggle
Use these buttons to toggle between viewing Open Reservations, Closed Reservations, or all Reservations. - Search Bar
Begin typing into the search bar to filter the list of Reservations by the text entered. This will search by Reservation #, Customer Name, and Products. - Filter Button
Click to view advanced filtering options for the Reservation list. See “Working with Tables” for more information. - View Manager
Click to manage views for the Reservation list. See “The View Manager” for more information. - Export Button
Click to export the contents of the Reservation list. See “Exporting the Contents of a Table” for more information. - Reservations List
Reservations that match the currently-selected filters are displayed here. - Assignee
A Reservation’s current assignee is indicated under the “Assigned To” column. This is the User responsible for selecting the Products that will go out on the Contract. This User will be able to view the Reservation using the Staging tool in Texada Mobile. See “Asset Staging” for more information.
Click the plus icon / pencil icon/
to assign a User to a Reservation. See “Assign Reservation” for more information.
- eSignature Button
Click to have the customer electronically sign the Reservation. See “Electronically Sign a Contract in Texada Web” for more information. - Products
The Products included on the Reservation are listed here. Hover your mouse over the information symbolto see the full list.
Reservation List - Columns
The Reservation list table comprises the following columns:
- Reservation #: The Reservation’s unique ID.
- Created: The date and time on which the Reservation was created.
- Location: The Reservation’s Location.
- Division: The Reservation’s Division.
- Customer #: The Customer # of the Reservation’s Customer.
- Customer Name: The name of the Reservation’s Customer.
- Customer Address: The Customer’s street address.
- Customer Phone: The Customer’s phone number.
- Customer Email: The Customer’s primary email address.
- Assigned To: The User currently assigned to the Reservation. This column also contains the Assign Reservation button.
- eSignature: The Reservation’s current eSignature status. This column also contains the eSignature button.
- Charge Waiver: Indicates whether or not a damage waiver will be charged for this Reservation.
- Customer Rate: The Customer’s rate level code for this Reservation. Equivalent to the “Rate Level” field in Texada SRM. To learn more about how rental rates are calculated, see “Group Rates” (SRM help file).
- Clerk: The User who created the Reservation. Equivalent to the “Clerk Out” field in Texada SRM.
- Date
- Date Out: The date on which the equipment on the Reservation will be sent out to the Customer.
- Time Out: The time at which the equipment on the Reservation will be sent out to the Customer.
- Date Due: The date on which the equipment is due to be returned.
- Time Due: The time at which the equipment is due to be returned.
- Date In: The date on which the equipment was actually returned.
- Status: The Reservation’s current status:
- Unassigned (no status): The Reservation has not yet been assigned to a yard worker.
- Assigned: The Reservation has been assigned to a yard worker.
- In Progress: At least one of the Assets on the Reservation has been staged.
- Staged: All Assets on the Reservation have been staged.
- Damage Waiver Code: The code for the damage waiver applied to the Reservation, if any.
- Products: The Products on the Reservation. Hover your mouse over the information symbol
to see the full list.
- Comments: Any comments left on the Reservation. Hover your mouse over the information symbol
to see all comments.
- Damage Waiver: The damage waiver dollar amount.
- Accumulated Deposits: The sum of previous deposits taken on this Reservation.
- Deposit Applied: The deposit amount applied against the total cost of the Reservation.
- Rental Amount: The total cost of the rental portion of the Reservation.
- Sale Amount: The total cost of the sale portion of the Reservation.
- Rental Discount: The percentage discount applied to the rental portion of the Reservation.
- Sale Discount: The percentage discount applied to the sale portion of the Reservation.
- Services Amount: The total cost of any additional services added to the Reservation.
- Discount Amount: The total dollar discount applied to the Reservation.
- Contract Total: The total cost of the Reservation.
- Ship To: The address to which the Products on the Reservation will be delivered.
- Salesperson: The salesperson responsible for closing the Reservation.
- PO Number: The Purchase Order number associated with the Reservation, if any.
- Reference: The Reservation’s external reference number, if any.
- ID: The Reservation’s external ID number, if any.
- Drivers License: The driver’s license associated with the Reservation, if any.
Assign Reservation
Click the plus icon / pencil icon /
under the “Assigned To” column in the Reservation list to open the Assigned To window. This window allows you assign a User to the Reservation and review the Reservation’s details, including flagged Assets and completed inspection forms.
A Reservation’s assignee can use the Staging screen in Texada Mobile to select the Products to go out on the Reservation once it has been converted to a Contract. See “Asset Staging” for more information.
Once a Reservation has been staged, you can no longer change its assignee, but you can still use the Assigned To window to view the results of the staging.
- Assignee
The Reservation’s current assignee. - Unassign Button
Click to unassign the current User from the Reservation. - Assignee Search Bar
Begin typing into the search bar to search the list of Users. Click on a User’s name to assign them to the Reservation. - Product Information
Information about the Products on the Reservation is displayed here. - Flag
If a Product could not be selected during the Asset staging process, it will be marked with a red flag icon. Hover your mouse over the flag icon to see the reason why the Product could not be added.
- Inspections
Click the eye iconnext to a Product with an associated inspection form to view the results of the inspection. Inspections are performed by the Reservation’s assignee during the Asset staging process.
- Cancel Button
Click to close the window without saving your changes. - Confirm Button
Click to save your changes and close the window.