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2024.1107 Texada CloudLink Release Notes


These notes address new features and code fixes for version 2024.1107 of Texada CloudLink. Please reach out to Texada support with any questions you may have.

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Release Highlights

SalesLink - Marketing PSE Support

Support for Caterpillar Marketing Prioritized Service Events (MPSEs) has been added to Texada SalesLink! 

It is now possible to import MPSEs from Caterpillar’s Aftermarket Marketing Community (AMC) and manage MPSE-generated Leads in SalesLink. The Opportunity Pipeline, Outstanding Leads page and more have been updated with filtering options for viewing MPSEs.

This new functionality complements SalesLink’s existing support for Sales PSEs. Click the button below to learn more about how you can manage Caterpillar-generated leads in SalesLink.

Customer Order to Invoice

Ticket #



Resolved an issue in which the counts of enabled fields on the Deal Detail Configuration screen would occasionally be incorrect.

Model Administration

Ticket #



The running value of the "Quote PMDescription" configuration key will no longer affect the labels of the PM columns in the "Manage" section of CVAs. 

Parts & Service Quoter

Ticket #



The "Est. Order Date" field will now be marked as mandatory based on the value of the "Estimated Order Date Visibility" configuration key.


Resolved an issue in which it was possible to link multiple Quotes to the same Work Order.


Ticket #



Resolved an issue in which it was possible to edit the Source of system-generated Leads (PSE leads, Prime Product leads, OLGA leads, etc.)


Using the Manage - Opportunity, Activity and Issue Status screen to bulk update the Campaign of PSE Leads will now set the Additional Source of affected Leads to Campaign Response.


Resolved an issue in which the Delivery Location dropdown would occasionally not be populated with options when creating a Lost Sales Report.


The functionality of the "Source" drop-down on the Opportunity details page, Outstanding Leads page, Opportunity Pipeline, and other related pages has been updated. Sources will now be displayed in a collapsible tree view, making it possible to locate Sources more quickly and select Sources in bulk. A filter bar is also included to quickly search the list of Sources.


Ticket #




A "Save" button has been added to the Allowance Approval and Labor Approval pages in ServiceLink. Clicking this button will save the currently-applied search filters. Saved filters will be applied automatically the next time you navigate to the page.

To clear a saved filter, click the "Reset" button followed by the "Save" button.


Fixed an issue where the security matrix keys Workorder.Segment.Edit,  Workorder.Operation.Edit, Workorder.Segment.Completed.Edit, and  Workorder.Operation.Completed.Edit were not correctly preventing segments and operations from being completed.


Fixed minor spelling and format errors in the PDF Warranty Report.