New Administration Panel

Email Templates

Quick Reference

  • The Email Templates screen in the new GateWay Administration Panel allows you to edit the automated emails sent by Texada GateWay. To reach this screen, select Content → Email Templates from the left navigation menu.
  • The Email Templates screen has two tabs:
    • Active Email Templates: View and edit the emails currently in use in your system.
    • History: View and restore previous versions of emails.
  • Click the open icon to preview an email. This will include both the content added on the Email Templates screen and system-generated content relevant to the email in question.
  • Click the pencil icon to edit an email’s name, subject, and content.
  • When editing an email from the History tab, click the left arrow in the top-right corner of the screen to expand the Version History panel. This panel allows you to easily compare all previous versions of that email. 
    • Each version is named after the date and time on which it was created. Click on a version’s name to view it.
    • Click the three dots next to a previous email version to reveal the Restore button, then click it to restore it as the active version of that email.


The Email Templates screen in the new GateWay Administration Panel allows you to edit the automated emails sent by Texada GateWay, such as order confirmation, invoice notification, and password reset emails. Use this screen to personalize the system emails sent to your customers and ensure that they align with your organization’s voice.

To access the Email Templates screen, select Content → Email Templates from the left navigation menu.

Active Email Templates

The Email Templates screen has two tabs, Active Email Templates and History. When you first navigate to the screen, you will see the Active Email Templates tab.

  1. Active Email Templates / History Toggle
    Use the tabs at the top of the screen to switch between viewing Active Email Templates and History. See “History” for more information.
  2. Email Template
    Email templates currently in use by your system are listed here. Emails that have not been modified from their system default will have a (Default) next to their name.
  3. Preview Email Template
    Click to preview the email in a new window. See “Preview Email Template” for more information.
  4. Edit Email Template
    Click to edit the email template.

    When clicked from the Active Email Templates tab, you will be able to freely edit the email’s name, subject, and content. See “Edit Email Template” for more information

    When clicked from the History tab, you will not be able to edit the email’s content, but you will be able to view and restore previous versions of the email. See “View Version History” for more information.


Click the “History” tab at the top of the screen to view previous versions of email templates.

  1. Restore Email Template
    Click to restore this version of the email template as the active version.

Preview Email Template

Click the open icon next to an email in the Active Email Templates or History tabs to open the Email Template Preview window. This allows you to see what the customer will see when they receive this email from your system.

In addition to the content added via the Email Templates tool, each email will also include system-generated information relevant to the email in question. In the example below, the Booking Request Confirmation email begins with the content from the Edit Email Template page, then continues with booking information.

Edit Email Template

Click the pencil icon next to an email in the Active Email Templates list to edit it.

  1. Email Template Name
    The email template’s name. This name is internal to GateWay and will not be seen by the customer.
  2. Email Template Subject
    The email’s subject line.
  3. Email Content
    The content of the email. This can include text styling, hyperlinks, tables, and media such as images and embedded videos.
  4. Cancel Button
    Click to close the window without saving.
  5. Save Button
    Click to save your changes and return to the Email Templates page. This will save the previous version of the email to the History tab.

    Once you have modified a template, you can preview it to see what it will look like when received by a customer. 

View Version History

Click the pencil icon next to an email in the History tab to edit it. While you are not able to edit the name, subject, or content of a historic email template from this screen, you can view and restore previous versions of the email by clicking the left arrow in the top-right corner of the screen. This will open the Version History panel.

  1. Version History Panel
    Click the right arrow in the top-left corner of the Version History panel to close it.
  2. Previous Email Version
    Previous versions of the email are listed in chronological order. Each version is named for the date on which it was last edited. Click on a previous email to view it.

    If multiple versions were created on the same date, they will be collapsed into a single row by default. Click the right arrow next to a version to see any additional versions created on the same date.
  3. Restore Button
    Click the three dots next to a previous email version to reveal the Restore button, then click it to restore it as the active version of that email. This will save the current version to the Version History panel.