Texada SRM (Systematic Rental Management)
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  3. Texada SRM (Systematic Rental Management)

2025.0130 Texada SRM Release Notes


These notes address new features and code fixes for version 2025.0130 of Texada SRM.

Quick Navigation

Accounts Payable

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Resolved an issue affecting the Vendor Information utility (APVF01) in which it was possible to create Vendors with names containing banned special characters such as “, +, &, @.

Accounts Receivable

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Resolved an issue in which attempting to print an Invoice via the Customer Account Inquiry utility (ARAR05) would occasionally fail with a "An Error Has Occurred And The System Will Now Generate An Automatic Rollback" error.


Resolved an issue occasionally affecting the Customer Account Inquiry utility (ARAR05) in which nothing would happen when clicking the "Print" button to download a PDF version of a document.


Resolved an issue in which Invoices marked as not on-account that contained an on-account amount would occasionally have double the expected balance due when printed.


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Resolved an issue in which the user would occasionally not be emailed a .csv file upon completing the Daily Close process.


Resolved the "WARNING: INVALID DIVISION" error that would occur the first time the user attempted to open a Contract in the Return Operator Time Charge Equipment utility (RSOT15).


Resolved an issue affecting the Daily Close process in which the revenue for Product Kits with revenue allocation enabled was not getting allocated to no-charge Kit items, resulting in "HEADER != DETAILS" errors.


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It is now possible to generate the Detailed Open Contract Report (RSCH50) as an Excel (.xls) file. To do this, select "Excel" under "Report Options". Selecting this option will generate one spreadsheet for all customers.


Resolved an issue in which the system was allowing Operators without the correct permissions to perform a Substitution when creating or updating a Contract, Counter Worksheet, Reservation, or Quote.


Resolved an issue in which deposit request emails sent via the Add Contract Deposits utility (RSCH15) would occasionally fail to send, despite an "Email request has been successfully submitted" message appearing.


Resolved an issue in which it was possible to overbook Assets by adding the same Non-Bulk Rental Asset to a Quote multiple times, then converting that Quote to a Contract.


Resolved an issue affecting the Product Select window (RSEQ01) in which searching by Model Number would occasionally return unexpected availability numbers.


If the "Allow Create P.O. From Contract" option is enabled for a Sales Product, availability for that Product will no longer be checked during Contract entry. Rather, insufficient availability will prompt the creation of a Purchase Order as expected.


Resolved an issue affecting Counter Worksheets in which comments not marked as "Print" were occasionally being included on PDFs generated via the Print Rental Return Worksheet function (RSRS11).


Resolved an issue affecting the Counter Worksheet utility (RSRQ04) in which the expected Products would occasionally fail to appear in the Product Select window.


To prevent potential rate calculation issues, it is no longer possible to use the Esc key to close the Rental Rates window (RSRF03 (3705)).

Document Generation & Printing

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The expected date format for Excel imports throughout SRM has been updated from DD-MM-YYYY (European) and MM-DD-YYYY (American) to DD/MM/YYYY (European) and MM/DD/YYYY (American), with leading zeros for days and months less than 10.

This change is to align SRM's expected import format with its output format. It should now be possible to export then import SRM reports without reformatting date fields.


Resolved an issue in which Excel spreadsheets exported from SRM would occasionally be generated with inconsistent borders between cells.


Customers' Australian Business Numbers (ABNs) will now be included beneath their BILL TO address on printed Contracts, Quotes, and Reservations.


Resolved the "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it" error that would occasionally appear when clicking a hyperlink in a PDF inspection form generated via the Print Inspection Forms utility (WOWI10 (7049)).


Empty date fields will no longer be populated with the value "!~DATE~!" when exporting SRM reports to Excel.


PDF documents generated by Texada SRM will now be generated with descriptive filenames, including the document's type, number, and date/time (for printed documents). The following document types are affected by this change: Counter Documents, Invoices, Sales Orders, Sales Quotes, Purchase Orders, and Work Orders.


Resolved an issue in which attempting to print bulk disposals (RSBS03) would occasionally result in an "ERROR OPENING FILE" error.


Resolved an issue in which the date fields in certain Excel reports would occasionally be printed in the incorrect format (e.g. MM-DD-YYYY where YYYY-MM-DD was expected).

General Ledger

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Resolved an issue affecting the GL Account Inquiry to Print/Summary utility (GLGL15) in which monetary values over $10,000,000.00 were being displayed as a line of asterisks in the printed report.


Resolved an issue in which Texada Pay payments made during Customer Payment Posting would occasionally fail to be posted to the General Ledger.


Resolved the "366 - SQL ERROR" error that would occasionally occur when running the Trial Balance report (GLGL11).


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When submitting a status code change via the submit inspection form API, it should reject the process if the status code being submitted has been suppressed or flagged as Not TW from SRM (System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Operations → Product Status Codes). The rejection message will read ‘Status Code Change {status_code} Not Allowed for Web’.


An inbound API endpoint has been added that allows third-party telematics providers to push telematics information to Texada SRM. This endpoint enables telematics providers to update meter and location information for batches of Products without the need for custom integration.

To enable this integration, add a new entry to the Maintain Web Services API Keys utility at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Security → Web Service API Keys (WSAPI01 (5024)).

  • A new "Assign/Remove Telematic ID" role permission has been added under System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Security → Security Roles → Permissions → Miscellaneous (ROLEPER1).
  • A new "Vendor" column has been added to the GEO Location History window at Inventory Control → Rental Inventory → Rental Information → GEO Location History (AEMP02 (6562)).

Swagger documentation for this endpoint can be found at:



Resolved in issue in which the /create/workorder API was not checking Part availability.

Inventory Control

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The Post Inventory Transfer Report (RSTH20) under Inventory Control can now be printed in both PDF and Excel formats. The Excel report will consist of two spreadsheets, the first being the main Transfer Edit Report and the second being the Transfer Summary Edit.


A new "TO BIN LOCATION" field has been added underneath each product on Internal Transfer Packing slips (INDH03). This field indicates the inventory bin location for the given product.


Resolved an issue affecting the Rental Inventory utility (RSPF02) in which updating a Product's meter reading would occasionally cause unexpected values to be recorded, especially when editing a meter reading multiple times without closing the Product Meter Information window, or editing a Product on a Contract while the Contract was open in Change mode.

Logins & Security

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Resolved an issue affecting the SRM login screen in which the "Remember Me" checkbox would occasionally fail to appear.


Resolved an issue occasionally causing SRM sessions to time out prematurely.

Order Entry

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When printing a Sales Order, users will now be prompted to print the associated Purchase Order, if one exists.

Supported areas:

  • Order Entry → Sales Orders (OEOH01)
  • Order Entry → Document Reprints > Print Picking Tickets (OEOH10)


  • Must only be printing a single Sales Order.
  • The Sales Order must have an associated Purchase Order.
  • If [Configure System Settings → System → Company Parameters → Miscellaneous Parameters → Email Configuration → Use Contact Document Emailing] is enabled, the user will also have the option to email the Purchase Order.


Resolved an issue in which it was possible to bill Sales Orders (OEOD02) for Bad Risk List Customers.

Portal Management

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Resolved an issue affecting the functionality of the Portal Customers utility (WEB091).


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The Insurance Expiry Report (ARCF46) has been added to the Automatic Reporting utility (SMCR01).


Support for Dynamic Reports has been deprecated. All associated utilities and menu options have been removed from Texada SRM.


Resolved an issue in which the Invoice Cut-Off Report utility (RSID42) would occasionally generate an empty report in circumstances where results were expected.

System Maintenance

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The maximum length of the Buffer field in the Repair / Maintenance Codes utility (WOMC01) has been increased to 5 characters.


A default Reason Code of "N - NONE AVAILABLE" has been added to the Substitution Reason Codes utility (RSSBR01). This code ensures there is always at least one Reason Code to select when performing a Substitution, and cannot be deleted.


Resolved an issue affecting the Configure System Settings screen (CONFIG) in which certain options would appear available to users who did not have the necessary permissions. These options would display a "You do not have permissions to run this function" error when clicked, instead of simply being grayed out as expected.


Resolved an issue in which the Database Lock Inquiry utility (FINDLOCK) would occasionally display the incorrect Waiting Opr or Holding Opr.


Resolved an issue affecting the Price Codes utility (RSCO01) in which the "Type" drop-down in the Add Price Code window was too short, making it difficult to make a selection.


A new "Check Availability In BOM Creation" parameter has been added to the Company Inventory Parameters utility (GLCN90K (3838)).

When this option is enabled, availability will be checked when adding or changing a component in the Bill of Materials in the Inventory Bill of Materials (INBM01) utility. As this utility does not include a Location parameter, availability across all Locations will be checked.


A new "Excel Date Format" drop-down field has been added to the Company Information utility (GLSRM-5300CN01).

This element allows you to select the format of date fields in Excel reports exported from SRM. Four options are available:

  • ED - European YYYY-M-D format
  • ET - European DD/MM/YYYY text format
  • ND - North American M-D-YYYY date format
  • NT - North American MM/DD/YYYY text format


Resolved the "Cannot move to field: Field modification not allowed" error that occasionally appeared when attempting to modify the E-Mail Address field in the Operator window (GLOP01).


The "Default Date Based On" field on the Deposits tab of the Contract Parameters utility (GLCN90D (3834)) has been changed from a drop-down to radio buttons. This resolves an issue in which attempting to open this drop-down would occasionally cause the application to load indefinitely.


Resolved an issue affecting the Operator utility (GLOP01) in which the Employee Number field would occasionally be uneditable.


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Resolved the "WARNING: SET INVALID VALUE" error that would occasionally occur when changing salespeople via the Change Sales History Salesman utility (INSH66).


Resolved the "UNABLE TO CREATE SSO" error that would occasionally occur when importing a file through the Update Group Information utility (GRP695).


Resolved an issue affecting the Update Group Information utility (GRP695 (7059)) in which the review file downloaded prior to importing would occasionally only contain one line of data.

Work Orders

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When printing a Work Order with an associated Contract, the Contract number will now appear under the Work Order Notes section.


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Resolved an issue affecting organizations using smtp.office365.com in which system generated emails were occasionally failing to send with 'Authentication unsuccessful' errors.


Resolved an issue affecting the Customer Contact Information (CMHP01) and Group Maintenance Schedule (RSGF90) utilities in which certain fields were appearing too narrow to be used correctly.


The performance of certain Texada SRM functions has been improved.


When working with File Attachments (ATTACH01), the current amount of memory used and total available memory are now displayed below the Attachments table.


A warning will now appear if a user attempts to capture a credit card with the same type and last 4 digits as an existing card. As the system is unable to store 2 cards with the same information, the user will have the option to overwrite the original card with the new card. This is an extremely rare occurrence that mostly affects American Express credit cards.