CloudLink API Center

CloudLink API FAQ

Frequently-asked questions about CloudLink’s APIs.


This page contains a number of frequently-asked questions about the APIs available in the CloudLink API Center. If you have a question about CloudLink’s APIs that you would like to see answered, please contact Texada support.

What is the difference between the various /Quote endpoints?

The /Quote endpoints allow you to manage and retrieve information about quotes within Texada iQuote. Here is a breakdown of each endpoint:

  • /QuoteHeader: Represents the main quote record. Contains details such as the quote number, creation date, and customer information.
  • /QuoteRevisions: Represents different versions of the same quote, which can have different machines, warranties, CSA information, and trade-ins. All revisions are linked by the QuoteNo field in the /QuoteHeader endpoint.
  • /QuotePackageHeader: Each revision is represented by a package. The package provides details about the configuration associated with a revision, referenced by the PackageId which can be pulled from /QuoteRevisions using the quoteNo and revisionNo fields.
  • /QuotePackageLocalItems: Lists individual items within a quote revision, linked to the specific quote revision through the PackageId field found in the /QuoteRevisionsendpoint using the quoteNo and revisionNo fields.

In summary, a single quote can have multiple revisions (/QuoteRevisions). Each revision is linked to one quote package (/QuotePackageHeader), which in turn can have multiple local items (/QuotePackageLocalItems).

How can I filter results by date range?

Using the following filter, many endpoints can be adjusted to return items within a specific date range:


Replace the two YYYY-MM-DD wildcards with start and end dates to return items that fall between those dates. For example, the following filter will return items dated from February 1st, 2025 to September 1st, 2025:
