Rental Management

2025.0227 Rental Management Release Notes


These notes address new features and code fixes for version 2025.0227 of the Texada Rental Management suite of products.

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Resolved the Internal Server Errors that would occasionally occur when creating a job site in the customer access portal.

Texada SRM

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A new "Alternate Vendor Number Processing" option has been added to the Texada Parameters utility (GLCN90P (3843)) at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → System → Company Parameters → Texada Parameters. 

When this option is enabled, an "Alternate Vendor #" field will be added to Vendor records, making it possible to store secondary Vendor numbers up to 20 characters in length. 

The Alternate Vendor # will be displayed along with the standard Vendor Number on the following screens. On these screens, it will also be possible to submit an Alternate Vendor # instead of a Vendor Number in order to open a Vendor record.

  • Vendor Information (APVF01)
  • View Vendor Information (APVF01V)
  • Vendor Account Inquiry (APAP05)
  • Vendor Search window (APVFSEL)
  • Purchase Orders (RSPO01)
  • A/P Invoices (APVI03)
  • Warehouse Receiving (INWR20)


Resolved an issue in Accounts Payable → Payments → Reverse Posted Checks where the reversed check was being written as blank in the payment details of the invoice that was paid.


Resolved an issue affecting the Select Customer Records utility (CMSR01) in which changing the date range under Clear/Select → Select Customers → By Revenue  Select By Revenue → Revenue Period would occasionally cause the system to become stuck loading for an excessive amount of time.


Resolved a display bug affecting the Operator Search window (GLOPSEL3 (6538)). The "Div" column should correctly show the division value even if "Operators by division" is disabled. This is consistent with the information displayed on the main search window, if the user clicks <enter> on the system ID.


Resolved an issue affecting the Customers Due for Credit Review Report in which the AMOUNT OVER dollar value was shifted one row below of the expected row.

Texada Web

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Resolved an issue affecting the Time Tracker and Customer List pages in which no filters would be available via the "Filters" tab on the right side of the screen.