
The Create / Edit Customer Owned Asset Page

An overview of the Create / Edit Customer-Owned Asset page in Texada Web.

Customer-owned Assets are an optional feature and are disabled by default.

To enable customer-owned Assets, check the "Customer Owned Equipment" checkbox in the Inventory Parameters utility in Texada SRM. For more information, see "Customer Owned Assets".


A customer-owned Asset is an Asset that is owned by one of your customers instead of your organization. Customer-owned Assets allow you to create Work Orders for Assets without registering them to your organization’s inventory.

The Create / Edit Customer Owned Asset page is used whenever you create a new customer-owned Asset or edit an existing customer-owned Asset. The following article will provide a detailed breakdown of this screen.

Create / Edit Customer Owned Asset Page

  1. Product #
    The Asset’s Product number. In cases where an Asset owned by your organization was sold to a Customer, this will be the Asset’s Product number from when it was in your organization’s inventory. When creating a customer-owned Asset from scratch, this value can be set freely, though it cannot be the same as an existing Product in your system.
  2. Customer Equipment ID
    The Asset’s ID in the Customer’s system. Equivalent to the External/Customer ID field in Texada SRM. This field is useful for cross-referencing Assets with your Customers’ inventory systems.
  3. Description
    A brief description of the Asset.
  4. Equipment Type
    The type of equipment (boom, telehandler, etc.)
  5. Manufacturer
    The Asset’s manufacturer.
  6. Model Number
    The Asset’s model number.
  7. Serial #
    The Asset’s serial number.
  8. Hour Meter
    The Asset’s current meter reading in hours. This value is used when creating preventative maintenance schedules for the Asset.
  9. Date Sold
    For Assets previously owned by your organization that were sold to a Customer, the date on which the Asset was sold to the Customer.
  10. Invoice
    For Assets previously owned by your organization that were sold to a Customer, the number of the Invoice associated with the sale of the Asset to the Customer.
  11. Service Contract
    The Contract number of the Asset’s full service Contract in your system, if applicable.
  12. PM Contract
    The Contract number of the Asset’s preventative maintenance (PM) Contract in your system, if applicable.
  13. Warranty Expiration Date
    The date on which the Asset’s warranty expires.
  14. Extended Warranty
    Whether or not the Asset has an extended warranty (Y/N).
  15. Extended Warranty Expiration Date
    The date on which the Asset’s extended warranty expires, if applicable.
  16. Barcode
    The Asset’s barcode number.
  17. Reference Group #
    The Group in your system associated with the Asset. This Group’s properties will be used as a reference when creating preventative maintenance schedules for the Asset.
  18. Telematic ID #2
    The ID of the device used to track the Asset’s telematics.
  19. Telematic Vendor
    The ID of the telematics vendor responsible for supplying the Asset’s telematics device.
  20. Customer Search
    Click on the search bar to open a list of all the Customers in the system, and begin typing to filter the list by Customer #, Customer name, Phone #, and Address. Click on a Customer to select it as the owner of the Asset.
  21. Customer Site
    Use this element to select the Customer site at which the Asset is kept.
    1. Use Billing: Use the primary (billing) address saved to the Customer’s profile. This is the same address that appears in the Customer Details section below the search bar.
    2. Search Existing: Search through existing Sites to find the appropriate Site. If you select this option, two additional options will appear:
      1. Customer: Search through this Customer’s existing Sites.
      2. Global: Search the list of global Sites.
    3. Add New: If the desired Site is not yet in the system, use this option to create a new Site and associate it with this Work Order. See “Add A Customer Site to a Document in Texada Web” for more details.
  22. Customer-Owned Asset Actions
    The actions that can be taken for the current Asset will appear as buttons in the page footer. Available actions will differ depending on whether you are creating, viewing, or editing a customer-owned Asset:
    1. Create Customer Owned Asset: Visible when creating a customer-owned Asset. Click to save your changes and create the customer-owned Asset.
    2. Edit: Visible when viewing a customer-owned Asset. Click to unlock the Asset for editing and will reveal the “Cancel” and “Save” buttons.
    3. Cancel: Visible when editing a customer-owned Asset. Click to exit editing mode without saving your changes.
    4. Save: Visible when editing a customer-owned Asset. Click to save your changes.