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ServiceLink: Backlog Notification on Work Order Creation
A new permission has been added to Texada ServiceLink. This permission allows ServiceLink users to be automatically notified of service letters and backlog items when creating a new work order.
Changes have also been made to ServiceLink and ServiceLink Flex to make customer terms codes (Cash, Charge, etc.) more visible.
New Permission
The permission that controls whether or not a user will receive backlog notifications is Ticket.Backorder.ServiceLetter.FirstSave.View.
To change the user roles to which this permission applies, open Texada ServiceLink, then navigate to Admin → Security. Scroll down to the “Ticket” section, then click the edit button next to Ticket.Backorder.ServiceLetter.FirstSave.View.
Backlog Notification
When a user with the Ticket.Backorder.ServiceLetter.FirstSave.View permission enabled creates a new work order in Texada ServiceLink, the “Review Service Letters” popup will appear if any outstanding service letters or backlog items exist for the customer.
Clicking ‘OK’ in this popup will open the Service Letters and Backlog popsicles, giving the user a chance to review the customer’s service letters and backlog items.
Customer Terms Code Indication
Changes have been made in ServiceLink and ServiceLink Flex to make customer terms codes more visible.
In ServiceLink, the customer’s terms code at the top of the screen will be highlighted in red if that terms code is Cash or COD:
In ServiceLink Flex, the customer’s terms code will now be indicated at the top of the work order detail screen: