

An overview of the management tools in Texada ServiceLink.


To access the Management screen, click the hamburger icon next to ServiceLink in the top navigation menu, then select Management under Admin.

Users with Administrative privileges have the ability to edit or customize certain things within ServiceLink. Click on the tabs at the left of the page to access eight different management areas.


This page displays details regarding each ServiceLink user and their corresponding roles. Click the Edit icon to edit a user’s details and roles, or click the Delete icon to delete the user.

To add a new user:

  1. Click the [Add New User] button at the top left of the page.
  2. Click the [Search] button to search for a user by name or email. Note that a user must be set up in EquipmentLink before they will appear.
  3. Enter any other user information as needed, then select a Role for the user.
  4. Click [Save User].


This page displays a list of all current major symptoms that have been entered into ServiceLink. Check the Enabled box to Enable or Disable a symptom, or delete a symptom by clicking the black X to the right.

To add a new symptom:

  1. Click the [Add] button at the top right of the page. A blank symptom will be added at the bottom of the list.
  2. Enter a name for the symptom. The Enable box will automatically be checked.
  3. Click the [Save] button at the top right of the page.

Click the number in the Minor Symptoms column to view the minor symptoms associated with a major symptom. Here you can enable/disable or delete minor symptoms in the same way as major symptoms. Add new minor symptoms using the same procedure described above.

Heldup Reasons

This page displays a list of all Heldup Reasons that have been entered into ServiceLink, organized by Work in Progress, Finalizing, and Corrections. Arrange the reasons in the order you want by entering a number in the Order column. Enable or Disable a Heldup reason using the checkbox in the Enable column.

To add a new Heldup Reason:

  1. Click the [Add] button to the right of the section you want to add a Heldup Reason to.
  2. Enter a title for the Heldup Reason. The Enable box will automatically be checked.
  3. Click the [Save] button at the top right of the page.

To change the order in which Heldup Reasons are listed, edit the values in the “Order” column. Heldup Reasons within each section are listed in ascending order of Order number.

Warranty Held Ups

This page displays a list of all Warranty Heldup Reasons that have been entered into ServiceLink. Arrange the reasons in the order you want by entering a number in the Order column. Enable or Disable a Warranty Heldup reason using the checkbox in the Enable column, or delete it by clicking the Delete icon to the right.

To add a new Warranty Heldup Reason:

  1. Click the [Add] button to the right of the section in which you want to add a Heldup Reason.
  2. Enter a title for the Heldup Reason. The Enable box will automatically be checked.
  3. Click the [Save] button at the top right of the page.

To change the order in which Warranty Held Ups are listed, edit the values in the “Order” column. Warranty Held Ups are listed in ascending order of Order number.

Branches and Cost Centers

This page displays a detailed list of all current branches. Double click on a branch to view/edit the branch’s details and scheduler settings. Click the [Save] button to save any changes.

To add a new branch:

  1. Click the [New Branch] button at the top right of the page.
  2. Enter all required information about the new branch.
  3. Select the branch’s scheduler settings.
  4. Click [Save]. ServiceLink will automatically bring in all the valid cost centers from DBS.

Safety Messages

This page displays all the safety messages that appear on the Technician Dashboard. Click the Edit icon to edit the details of a message, or click the Delete icon to delete it.

To add a new safety message:

  1. Click the [New Message] button at the top right of the page.
  2. Enter the details for your new message, then schedule a date for when it will appear on the dashboard.
  3. Click [Save].


This page displays all current dropboxes that have been entered into ServiceLink. Click the Edit icon to edit the details of a dropbox, or click the Delete icon to delete it.

To add a new dropbox:

  1. Click the [Add Dropbox] button at the top right of the page.
  2. Enter a Name, Type, and Address.
  3. Click [Save].

Note Template

This page displays all current note templates available in ServiceLink. Click the Edit icon to edit the details of a note template, or click the Delete icon to delete it.

To add a new note template:

  1. Click the [Add Template] button at the top right of the page.
  2. Enter a Template Name, then select a Store and Cost Center.
  3. Use the note body area below to construct your template.
  4. Click [Save].