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Release Notes
Support & Troubleshooting
Onboarding Programs
Sales: Equipment CRM
Service: ServiceLink
Rental: SRM
Handle CRM
Rental: Analytics
Rental: GateWay
- Getting Started
- New Administration Panel
- Administration Panel
- Administration Panel - CMS
- Administration Panel - Products, Categories, and Attributes
- Administration Panel - Users
- Administration Panel - Requests
- Customer Access Portal
- Customer Access Portal - Rentals
- Customer Access Portal - Invoices
- eCommerce Websites
- eCommerce Websites - Ordering
- Integrations
Rental: Texada Mobile
Rental: Texada Pay
Rental: Texada Web
Rental: WorkFlow
Sales: Customer Order to Invoice
Sales: iMACS
Sales: iQuote
Service: Condition Monitoring Portal
Service: Equipment Monitoring Toolkit
Service: Parts & Service Quoter
Service: Service Agreement Quoting
Sales & Service: CloudLink
Sales & Service: Tools
Creating a New Project
How to create a new project in Texada iMACS.
Before You Start
The customer must already have an existing customer number in DBS. You must also know the billing currency, deposit before delivery, credit release #, date that the credit was approved, and who it was approved by.
To create a new project, choose New Project from the Project menu.
Project Information
If Generate number is checked, a project # will be generated when the project information is saved. The project number will be 6 digits long. The first 2 digits are the last 2 digits of the current year. The next 4 digits are an incremental number that resets at the beginning of each year.
If “Generate Number” is unchecked, a project number can be manually entered.
Customer Contacts
The Customer Contacts tab is a list of all customer contacts for the project. The Commercial, Drawing, and Technical Contacts are chosen from the customer contacts list.
Project Team
Project Leader, Sales Rep, and PSSR are chosen from a list of company employees that exist in iMACS.