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An overview of the Drawings/Manuals screen in Texada iMACS.
Drawings are listed under the Electrical and Mechanical tabs. Drawings can be added by clicking the Add New button and filling in the information tabs. Files can be attached to each drawing listed. To view an attached file, click the paper clip icon next to the file name.
Transmittals are a way to track when drawings are sent back and forth to the customer, and to internal departments. The Transmittal tab defaults to a list of existing transmittals.
To create a Transmittal, click the Add New button. Choose a destination, and then click the Search button to find a contact. If the destination is Customer, the list of customer drawing contacts is shown, otherwise a list of employees for your company is shown. Click the Add button next to the name you want to add. You must also choose a date sent. Click the Save button after all the information has been entered. The system will generate a transmittal number.
To list the drawings that were sent with the transmittal, click the Add button under the transmittal header. The list of electrical drawings is shown in the pop-up window. To view the mechanical drawings, choose Mechanical from the drop-down box in the top left corner. Click the Add button next to the drawing you want to add to the transmittal.
To edit the transmittal header information, click the Edit button, and click Save after all the information has been updated. To remove a drawing from the transmittal, click the Delete button next to the drawing.
There are 2 tabs for Manuals - one for manuals sent to the customer, the other for manuals used internally. To edit the Date Issued and Comments, click the Edit button. To list the drawings that are included in the manual, click Add New. The list of electrical drawings is shown in the pop-up window. To view the mechanical drawings, choose Mechanical from the drop-down box in the top left corner. Click the Add button next to the drawing you want to add to the manual.
To delete a drawing from the manual, click the Delete button next to the drawing. The bottom section of the screen lists all materials from the CAT Parts and Equipment bill of materials where the Include In Manual field was checked off.