Texada Web

R.2023.10.19 Texada Web Release Notes

Release notes for Texada Web version R.2023.10.19, releasing on Wednesday, November 8th in North America and on Tuesday, November 7th in APAC countries.


These notes address new features and code fixes for version R.2023.10.19 of Texada Web. Release dates for this version are as follows:

North America: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 @ 9PM EST
APAC: Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 @ 9PM AEST (7AM EST)

Quick Navigation


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All required fields in the Add New Site window (Name, Address 1, State/Province and Zip/Postal Code) are now marked with a red asterisk.


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Fixed a bug affecting Contract eSignatures in which signed Contracts were being downloaded as .txt files by Google Chrome instead of .pdf files.


The error message that displays upon attempting to create a Contract without a damage waiver for a Customer that requires a damage waiver has been edited for clarity.


Fixed a bug affecting the Quick-Create Customer window on the Create Contract screen in which a number of valid Australian and New Zealand phone number formats were not being accepted.


Fixed a bug affecting draft Contracts in which the Damage Waiver drop-down would appear blank after selecting a damage waiver for a Contract, then saving it as a draft.


Fixed a bug in which the Product Substitution window would occasionally flicker upon opening.


Fixed an issue in which setting a Rental Discount % or Sales Discount % for a new Contract would occasionally cause subsequent Contracts to default to the same discount amount.


Fixed a bug affecting the Contract History panel in which Invoices generated for a Contract after performing a Rental Return would occasionally fail to appear in that Contract's History.

Custom Fields

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Fixed a bug affecting Custom Field creation in which attempting to create a Dropdown field with one or more empty options, then changing the Number of Options, would occasionally cause a "This field cannot be empty" error to appear under the wrong field.


The "Save" button on the Custom Field window will now be disabled after being clicked, to prevent the user from accidentally clicking "Save" again while their custom field is being created. Additionally, a loading bar will now be displayed to make it clear that the creation of the new custom field is in progress.


Custom fields with a type of "Currency" will no longer accept negative values when filling out a Contract in Texada Web.


Fixed a bug affecting custom fields in which the Number of Options of Multiselect fields would occasionally change upon saving the field.


Fixed a bug affecting custom field creation in which inputting multiple options for a Dropdown field, reducing the Number of Options, then increasing the Number of Options again would cause some inputs to be preserved and others to be wiped.


A draggable area has been added to the left side of the Custom Fields table on the Custom Fields screen. Dragging and dropping custom fields using this area allows you to edit the sequence in which custom fields are displayed on Counter documents.


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Fixed a bug affecting the Part List page in which clicking the "Export to Excel" button would export the contents of the Parts list to multiple files (one file per page) instead of one unified file.


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Fixed a bug affecting Invoice payments in which creating a cash Invoice in Texada Web, paying it in full, editing the Invoice to increase the amount owing, then attempting to pay the outstanding balance would incorrectly result in an "Overpaying invoice" error.

Rental Board

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Fixed a bug affecting the rental board in which filters applied to the Asset List page would occasionally fail to be preserved when clicking the "Present" button and switching to the rental board.


Fixed an issue affecting the rental board in which allowing your session to time out, logging in again, then attempting to reopen the same rental board view would occasionally result in an "Oops, something went wrong..." error.