
How to Resolve Date Errors in SRM

Systematic Rental Management (SRM) maintains its own internal calendar and it is used to calculate billing amounts based on the calendar's settings.

You will have to generate new dates for the calendar if, when entering a document (e.g. a contract) and, when trying to enter a date, you get a message similar to Calendar Not Found or Record Not In File - RSCL.

The SRM calendar is maintained in System Maintenance -> Configure System Settings -> Operations -> Rental Rates & Pricing -> Calendar.

Click the Generate button to add new dates.

Starting Date: This date defaults to the first date for which there is no existing calendar. It can be over-typed as required.
Calendar Warning Window: This warning only appears if there already is a calendar generated for this starting date. Click NO to abort. Click YES to proceed. The starting Billing Day Code will then default to match the billing day code already existing in the calendar.
Ending Date: The year end displays. This can be over-typed into the future, as required.

While in this option, press the F1 key to display the help file where you can get a complete description on how to generate the calendar.