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Set Up Purchase Order Approval Processing
How to set up the PO Approval settings for the Texada Platform.
The Texada platform allows users to setup a hierarchy of team members for approving Purchase Orders within specific limits. This is useful to help control and manage spending by limiting the total value an employee can allocate to a Purchase Order.
There is a parameter at the Company level to enable this processing.
Configuration - System - Company Parameters - Inventory Parameters
Note: A warning will appear, reminding you to setup your Approval Limits
Set up Approval Limits
These limits are defined at the Security Role level, you will define a limit for each role required. The top level limit will need to be 999,999,999.
Configuration - Security - Security Roles - Permissions - Role Parameters
User | Role | Limit | Approver |
Jim Friendly | Purchasing Agent | $1,000 | Carly Justice |
Carly Justice | Purchasing Manager | $10,000 | Henry Johnson |
Henry Johnson | VP - Finance | $100,000 | Richard Peterson |
Richard Peterson | CFO | $999,999,999 |
Define Approver
The approver for the user is configured at the Operator level.
Configuration - Security - Operators