Work Orders

The Create / Edit Work Order Page

An overview of the Create / Edit Work Order page in Texada Web.

In This Article


This article provides a thorough breakdown of the Create / Edit Work Order page in Texada Web. This page is used whenever you take any of the following actions:

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The Create / Edit Work Order Page

The Create / Edit Work Order page contains all of the information about your Work Order, organized into panels.

The appearance of this page will differ depending on whether you are creating or editing a regular Work Order or a Work Order estimate. The visibility of each element is expressed next to the element’s name:

 Always visible.

 Visible when creating a new Work Order.

 Visible when editing a Work Order.

 Visible when creating a Work Order estimate.

 Visible when editing a Work Order estimate.

The image below has been altered to display all elements.

  1. Work Order Info Panel
    Contains basic information about the Work Order, including its location, date, and priority.
  2. Asset Panel
    Contains information on the Asset for which the Work Order has been created.
  3. Comments Panel
    Contains any internal or Customer-facing comments left on the Work Order.
  4. Photos Panel
    Contains any photos uploaded to the Work Order by a Mechanic in Texada Mobile.
  5. Signature Panel
    Contains the name and digital signature of the party who signed off on the Work Order’s completion.
  6. Inspections Panel
    Contains information on any Work Order Inspections that have been completed for the Asset on the Work Order.
  7. Customer Panel
    Contains information on the Customer for which the Work Order is being completed.
  8. Mechanics Panel
    Contains the names of the Mechanic(s) who will be fulfilling the Work Order. This panel will not appear when creating or editing a Work Order estimate, as Mechanics cannot be assigned to estimates.
  9. Attachments Panel
    Contains any URLs or files that have been attached to the Work Order.
  10. Parts Tab
    Lists the Parts that have been requested and consumed by the Mechanics completing the Work Order.
  11. Labor Tab
    Contains the Labor items that have been added to the Work Order and the Mechanics’ tracked time.
  12. Services Tab
    Lists the additional Services that have been added to the Work Order, such as pickup / delivery charges or refueling fees.
  13. Total Panel
    Contains the total costs of the Work Order.
  14. Related Open Work Orders Panel
    Contains information about other Work Orders in progress for the selected Asset. Appears during Work Order creation.
  15. Work Order Actions
    The actions that can be taken for the current Work Order are listed in the page footer. These actions differ depending on the Work Order’s type and current status.

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Work Order Info Panel

This panel contains basic information about the Work Order.

  1. Work Order #
    The Work Order’s unique identifier in the system.
  2. Status
    The Work Order’s current status. See “About Work Order Statuses” for more information.
  3. Flag
    Click to flag the Work Order for attention. This indicates that there is an issue with the Work Order that must be resolved before it can be closed. Flagged Work Orders will appear red in the Work Order List, and cannot be closed until the flag is removed. The system will automatically flag Work Orders under certain conditions.
  4. Division
    The Work Order’s Division.
  5. Location
    The Work Order’s Location.
  6. Date
    The Work Order’s date. By default, this is the date on which the Work Order was created, but this can be manually changed.
  7. Contract #
    The number of the Contract with which the Work Order is associated. If the Asset on a Work Order was out on a Contract at the time the Work Order was created, this value will be automatically set to that Contract’s Contract number. Once this value is set, it cannot be changed, even if the Contract is later closed.
  8. Priority
    The Work Order’s priority - Low (green), Moderate (orange), or Critical (red). Priority has no bearing on the Work Order’s properties, but serves as a quick visual indicator of which Work Orders should be scheduled first.
  9. Purchase Order #
    The PO # of the purchase order associated with this Work Order, if any.
  10. Posting Type
    The Work Order’s Posting Type - Standard Invoice, Customer Damage, Customer Repair, or Internal Work Order. This determines the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and Revenue accounts to which the Parts used on the Work Order will be posted. See “About Work Order Posting Types” for more information.
  11. Billing Type
    The Work Order’s Billing Type - Normal, Split, or Warranty.
    • Normal: The Work Order is to be charged completely to the Customer. 
    • Split: The cost of the Work Order is to be split between the Customer and the rental company.
    • Warranty: The cost of the Work Order is to be split between the Customer, the rental company, and/or warranty claims from the supplier. 
  12. Scheduled Toggle
    Enable to indicate that the Work Order has been scheduled and reveal the Start Time and End Time fields. In order to schedule a Work Order, it must have at least one assigned Mechanic. If you enable the Scheduled toggle and attempt to save the Work Order without assigning a Mechanic, you will receive a message that reads “Please select at least one Mechanic before scheduling a Work Order.”
  13. Start Time
    The Work Order’s scheduled start time. This field will only be visible if the Scheduled toggle is enabled.
  14. End Time
    The Work Order’s scheduled end time. This field will only be visible if the Scheduled toggle is enabled.
  15. Ship Via
    Select an option from the drop-down to indicate the shipping method by which the equipment will be returned to the Customer after servicing. Ship Via codes are managed in Texada SRM, at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Operations → Ship Via Codes. See “Ship Via Codes” (SRM help file) for more information.
  16. Salesperson
    The salesperson who will be credited for securing the Work Order. Salesperson codes are managed in Texada SRM, at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Customer Management → Salesman Codes. See “Salesman Codes” (SRM help file) for more information.
  17. Parts Discount
    The percentage discount that will be applied to all Parts consumed on the Work Order.
  18. Labor Discount
    The percentage discount that will be applied to all Labor items on the Work Order.
  19. Tax Code 1 and 2
    The default taxes applied to the Work Order. These tax codes can be overwritten for individual Parts, Labor items, and Services. Tax Codes are managed in Texada SRM, at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Accounting → Tax Codes. See “Tax Codes” (SRM help file) for more information.
  20. Custom Fields
    Any custom fields included on Work Orders will appear at the bottom of the Work Order Info panel, indicated by the custom field icon . For more information, see “Custom Fields”.

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Asset Panel

This panel contains information on the Asset being serviced on the Work Order.

  1. Asset Search
    Use the toggle buttons to switch between searching for Rental Products (Assets) and Sales Products. Click the search bar to open the list of Assets in the system, then begin typing to filter the list by Product # and Description. Click on an Asset to select it and add it to the Work Order. Note that only one Asset can be included on a Work Order, and that adding a new Asset to an existing Work Order will remove the previous Asset.
  2. Asset Details
    The details of the Asset to be serviced are displayed below the search bar. If the selected Asset is under warranty, it will be indicated by a red shield icon .
  3. Current Meter
    If the Asset you selected is metered, its current meter reading will be displayed here.
  4. Asset Status
    The Asset’s current status. Asset statuses can be configured via the Product Status Codes utility in Texada SRM; for more information, see “Product Status Codes” (SRM help file).
  5. Asset Details Button
    Click to open the Asset’s details page in a new browser tab.
  6. Description
    If the Asset that requires servicing is not present in your system’s Rental or Sales Inventory – if it is a Customer-owned Asset, for example – you can commission a Work Order for that Asset by entering its description into this field instead of selecting an Asset using the Asset Search. If you have already selected an Asset for the Work Order, this field will be disabled. 
  7. Maintenance Schedule Information
    Information on any Maintenance Schedules that have been added to the Work Order can be found here.
    • Code: The unique ID of the Maintenance Schedule.
    • Description: The Maintenance Schedule’s description.
    • Maintenance Type: The Maintenance Schedule’s tracking type – By # of Rental Days, By # of Actual Days, By Actual Date, By # of Meter Units, or By Actual Meter Reading. See “Maintenance Schedule” (SRM help file) for more information.
  8. View Maintenance Schedule
    Click the eye icon next to a Maintenance Schedule to view its details. 
  9. Remove Maintenance Schedule
    Click the bin icon next to a Maintenance Schedule to remove it and its related Inspection forms from the Work Order.
  10. Add Maintenance Schedule Button
    Click to view a list of Maintenance Schedules available for the Asset, then click the “Add” button next to a Maintenance Schedule to attach it and any associated Inspection forms to the Work Order. The Maintenance Schedules available for a given Product Group are managed in Texada SRM, at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Operations → Groups → Maintenance Schedule. See “Group Maintenance Schedule” (SRM help file) for more information.

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Comments Panel

This panel contains any comments left on the Work Order by dispatchers using Texada Web or Mechanics using Texada Mobile.

  1. Commenter Name
    The name of the dispatcher or Mechanic who posted the comment.
  2. Timestamp
    The date and time at which the comment was posted.
  3. Comment Visibility
    Indicates whether the comment is customer-facing or internal only. Customer-facing comments will be included on the printed and .pdf versions of the Work Order.
  4. Edit Comment
    Click the pencil icon next to a comment to edit it.
  5. Delete Comment
    Click the bin icon next to a comment to delete it. This action cannot be undone.
  6. Comment Body
    The contents of the comment. Comment bodies are limited to 250 characters.
  7. Add Comment Button
    Click to add a new comment. 

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Photos Panel

This panel (left) contains any images uploaded to the Work Order by the Mechanic in Texada Mobile. Click on an image to open a slideshow of images (right).

  1. Image
    Images uploaded to the Work Order by the Mechanic are displayed here. Click on an image to open it in a slideshow.
  2. Slideshow Controls
    Use the buttons at the bottom of the slideshow to control it. Use the plus + and minus - buttons or the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Use the left and right arrows to navigate through the slideshow, and the curved arrow buttons to rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise. Use the refresh button to reset the image to its default zoom and rotation.
  3. Image Dimensions
    The width and height of the currently-displayed image, in pixels.
  4. Additional Images
    Click on an image thumbnail at the bottom of the slideshow to display it.

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Signature Panel

This panel allows you to view the signature of the Customer who signed off on the Work Order’s completion. Customer signatures are collected using Texada Mobile, at the time the Mechanic selects “Work Complete” to finalize the Work Order.

  1. Customer Signature
    The Customer’s signature.
  2. Customer Name
    The name of the signing party.
  3. Confirmation Email Address
    The email address(es) to which the signature confirmation email was sent. 

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Inspections Panel

This panel (above) contains a list of all the Inspection forms that have been added to the Work Order, either manually by a dispatcher using Texada SRM or a Mechanic using Texada Mobile, or automatically via the inclusion of a Maintenance Schedule or Inspection forms associated with the Asset’s Model or Product Group. Note that Inspection forms cannot be added directly to a Work Order in Texada Web. See “About Inspections - Work Order Inspections” for more information.

Click on the eye symbol next to an Inspection form to view its details (below).

  1. Inspection Form
    Inspection Forms included on the Work Order are listed here.
    • Form: The name of the Inspection form.
    • Claimed: The name of the Mechanic who has claimed the Inspection form, or “No” if it has not been claimed. 
    • Complete: Whether or not the Inspection form has been completed.
  2. View Inspection
    Click on the eye symbol next to an Inspection form to view its details.
  3. View Inspections PDF Button
    Click to open all completed Inspections as a single printable .pdf file. This button will be disabled if no Inspections have been completed for the Work Order.
  4. Inspection Information
    The Inspection’s basic information.
  5. Inspection Contents
    The contents of the Inspection, including the responses submitted by the Mechanic.
  6. Exit Button
    Click to close the Inspection details window. You can also accomplish this by clicking outside the window.

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Customer Panel

This panel contains information on the Customer for which the Work Order is being completed.

  1. Customer Search
    Click on the search bar to open a list of all the Customers in the system, and begin typing to filter the list by Customer #, Customer name, Phone #, and Address. Click on a Customer to select it and add it to the Work Order. Note that only one Customer can be added to a Work Order.
  2. Customer Details
    The details of the Customer currently associated with the Work Order are displayed below the search bar. 
  3. Site Selector
    Use this tool to select the site at which this Work Order will be completed.
    • Use Billing: Use the primary (billing) address saved to the Customer’s profile. This is the same address that appears in the Customer Details section below the search bar.
    • Search Existing: Search through existing Sites to find the appropriate Site. If you select this option, two additional options will appear:
      • Customer: Search through this Customer’s existing Sites.
      • Global: Search the list of global Sites.
    • Add New: If the desired Site is not yet in the system, use this option to create a new Site and associate it with this Work Order. See “Add A Customer Site to a Document in Texada Web” for more details.
  4. Site Details
    Once you have selected a Site for the Work Order, its address and contact details will appear below the search bar.

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Mechanics Panel

This panel contains information on the Mechanics assigned to the Work Order.

  1. Mechanic
    The names and statuses of the Mechanics assigned to the Work Order are listed here.
  2. Unassign Button
    Click to unassign the Mechanic from the Work Order. This will cause any changes the Mechanic has already made to the Work Order to be reverted.

    Mechanics cannot be unassigned from Completed or Closed Work Orders.
  3. Add a Mechanic
    Click anywhere within the “Add a Mechanic” box to open a list of the Mechanics in the system. Begin typing to filter the list, then click on a Mechanic’s name to assign them to the Work Order. They will receive a notification from Texada Mobile informing them that they have been assigned.

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Attachments Panel

This panel contains any URLs or files that have been attached to the Work Order.

  1. Attachments
    Attachment filenames and URLs are listed here. Click on an attachment to open it in a new browser tab.
  2. More Information
    Hover your mouse over the “i” symbol next to an attachment to view the username of the User who uploaded the attachment, as well as the date on which it was added to the Work Order.
  3. Delete Attachment
    Click the bin icon next to an attachment to delete it.
  4. Add Link Button
    Click to add a new URL attachment to the Work Order. URLs must be valid in order to be attached; the easiest way to ensure this is to navigate to the desired page in your browser, then copy and paste the URL from the address bar.
  5. Add Files Button
    Click to add new file attachments to the Work Order. Clicking this button will open your computer’s file explorer, allowing you to select files to upload. You can attach multiple files at once by ctrl+clicking or clicking and dragging to select multiple files.

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Parts Tab

This tab contains information on the Parts that have been consumed on the Work Order. Parts can be added to a Work Order both by dispatchers using Texada Web / SRM and by Mechanics using Texada Mobile.

  1. Part
    The information included for each Part is as follows:
    • Repair Code: The Repair Code under which the Part has been categorized. If the “Prompt for Maintenance Codes on Work Order Details” option is enabled in Texada SRM, Mechanics will be prompted to submit each Part, Labor item, and Service under a specific Repair Code when adding it to a Work Order in Texada Mobile. This option can be found at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → System → Company Parameters → Estimate and W.O. Parameters. See “Add a Maintenance Code to a Work Order in Texada Mobile” for more information.
    • Part #: The Part’s number.
    • Part Description: The Part’s description.
    • Total: The total number of this Part on the Work Order. Equal to Issued + Requested.
    • Issued: The number of this Part that has been consumed by the Mechanic while completing the Work Order.
    • Requested: The number of this Part that the Mechanic has requested to complete the Work Order.
    • Price: The Part’s cost per unit.
    • Total: The total pre-tax cost of the Part. Equal to Issued * Price * (100 - Discount)%.
  2. View Comments
    A comment icon next to a Part indicates that a Mechanic has left a comment on it. Clicking on the comment icon will open the Edit Part Details window.
  3. Edit Part
    Click the pencil icon next to a Part to edit its details. See “Edit Part Details” for more information.
  4. Remove Part
    Click the bin icon next to a Part to remove it from the Work Order.
  5. Add Part
    Click on the search bar to open a list of Parts in the system, then begin typing to filter the list by Part # and Part Description. Click on a Part to open the Edit Part Details window and add it to the Work Order.

    Parts cannot be added to Completed or Closed Work Orders.
  6. Part Subtotal
    The total before-tax cost of all Parts on the Work Order. Equal to the sum of Totals for each Part.

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Edit Part Details

Clicking the pencil icon next to a Part will open the Edit Part Details window, allowing you to view and edit the details for that Part. This window will also appear when adding a new Part to the Work Order.

  1. Part #
    The Part’s number.
  2. Part Description
    The Part’s description.
  3. Repair Code
    The Repair Code under which the Part has been categorized.
  4. Vendor
    The Vendor who supplied the Part.
  5. Serial #
    The Part’s serial number, if the Part is serialized.
  6. Date
    The date on which the Part was added to the Work Order.
  7. A/P Invoice
    The Invoice number of the AP Invoice associated with the Work Order. This number is only populated if the "A/P Parts Add To Work Order" feature is enabled in Texada SRM, and the Part was added to the Work Order as the result of an AP Invoice billing without being received through the warehouse. See “Work Order Parts” (SRM help file) for more information.
  8. Purchase Order #
    The PO # of the purchase order associated with the Part, if any.
  9. Warranty Charge
    The amount of the Part’s cost that is covered under warranty.
  10. Total Qty
    The total number of this Part on the Work Order. Equal to Issued Qty + Requested Qty.
  11. Issued Qty
    The number of this Part that has been consumed by the Mechanic while completing the Work Order.
  12. Requested Qty
    The number of this Part that the Mechanic has requested to complete the Work Order.
  13. Discount
    The percentage discount applied to the Part.
  14. Price
    The Part’s price per unit.
  15. Tax Code 1 and 2
    The taxes applied to the Part.
  16. Total
    The total pre-tax cost of this Part on the Work Order. Equal to Price * Issued Qty * (100 - Discount)%.
    Any comments left on the Part by a dispatcher in Texada Web or a Mechanic in Texada Mobile.
  18. Cancel Button
    Close the window without saving any changes. This can also be accomplished by clicking outside the window.
  19. Save Button
    Save your changes and close the window.

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Labor Tab

This tab contains information on the Labor items that have been added to the Work Order.

  1. Labor Item
    The information included for each Labor item is as follows:
    • Repair Code: The Repair Code under which the Labor item has been categorized.
    • Labor Description: The Labor item’s description.
    • Hours: The number of hours the Mechanic has indicated they spent working on the Labor item.
    • Tracked: The actual amount of time the Mechanic has logged against the Labor item in Texada Mobile. Whenever a Mechanic starts work on a Work Order in Texada Mobile, they will be prompted to select a Labor line to track their time against. See “About the Time Tracker” for more information.
    • Rate: The Labor item’s hourly rate.
    • Mechanic: The Mechanic who submitted the Labor item.
    • Total: The total pre-tax cost of the Labor item. Equal to Hours * Rate * (100 - Discount)%.
  2. Edit Labor
    Click the pencil icon next to a Labor item to edit its details. See “Edit Labor Details” for more information.
  3. Remove Labor
    Click the bin icon next to a Labor item to remove it from the Work Order.
  4. Add Labor
    Click on the search bar to open a list of Labor items in the system, then begin typing to filter the list by Labor Description. Click on a Labor item to open the Edit Labor Details window and add it to the Work Order. The list of available Labor items is managed in Texada SRM, at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Accounting → Service Codes. See “Service Codes” (SRM help file) for more information.

    Labor items cannot be added to Completed or Closed Work Orders.
  5. Labor Subtotal
    The total before-tax cost of all Labor items on the Work Order. Equal to the sum of Totals for each Labor item.

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Edit Labor Details

Clicking the pencil icon next to a Labor item will open the Edit Labor Details window, allowing you to view and edit the details for that Labor item. This window will also appear when adding a new Labor item to the Work Order.

  1. Labor Description
    The Labor item’s description.
  2. Repair Code
    The Repair Code under which the Labor item has been categorized.
  3. Date
    The date on which the Labor item was added to the Work Order.
  4. Mechanic
    The Mechanic who submitted the Labor item.
  5. Tracked Time
    The actual amount of time the Mechanic has logged against the Labor item in Texada Mobile.
  6. Hours
    The number of hours the Mechanic has indicated they spent working on the Labor item.
  7. Discount
    The percentage discount applied to the Labor item.
  8. Rate
    The Labor item’s hourly rate.
  9. Tax Code 1 and 2
    The taxes applied to the Labor item.
  10. Total
    The total pre-tax cost of the Labor item. Equal to Hours * Rate * (100 - Discount)%.
    Any comments left on the Labor item by a dispatcher in Texada Web or a Mechanic in Texada Mobile.
  12. Cancel Button
    Close the window without saving any changes. This can also be accomplished by clicking outside the window.
  13. Save Button
    Save your changes and close the window.

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Services Tab

This tab contains information on the Services that have been added to the Work Order.

  1. Service
    The information included for each Service is as follows:
    • Repair Code: The Repair Code under which the Service has been categorized.
    • Service Code: The Service’s unique ID.
    • Service Description: The Service’s description.
    • Qty: The quantity of the Service included on the Work Order.
    • Price: The price per unit of the Service.
    • Total: The total pre-tax cost of the Service. Equal to Qty * Price.
  2. Edit Service
    Click the pencil icon next to a Service to edit its details. See “Edit Service Details” for more information.
  3. Remove Part
    Click the bin icon next to a Service to remove it from the Work Order.
  4. Add a Service
    Click on the search bar to open a list of Services in the system, then begin typing to filter the list by Service Code and Service Description. Click on a Service to open the Edit Service Details window and add it to the Work Order. The list of available Services is managed in Texada SRM, at System Maintenance → Configure System Settings → Accounting → Service Codes. See “Service Codes” (SRM help file) for more information.

    Services cannot be added to Completed or Closed Work Orders.
  5. Service Subtotal
    The total before-tax cost of all Services on the Work Order. Equal to the sum of Totals for each Service.

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Edit Service Details

Clicking the pencil icon next to a Service will open the Edit Service Details window, allowing you to view and edit the details for that Service. This window will also appear when adding a new Service to the Work Order.

  1. Service Description
    The Service’s description.
  2. Service Code
    The Service’s unique ID.
  3. Repair Code
    The Repair Code under which the Service has been categorized.
  4. Qty
    The quantity of the Service included on the Work Order.
  5. Price
    The cost per unit of the Service.
  6. Date
    The date on which the Service was added to the Work Order.
  7. Tax Code 1 and 2
    The taxes applied to the Service.
  8. Total
    The total pre-tax cost of the Service. Equal to Qty * Price.
  9. Cancel Button
    Close the window without saving any changes. This can also be accomplished by clicking outside the window.
  10. Save Button
    Save your changes and close the window.

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Total Panel

This panel contains information on the total costs of the Work Order.

  1. Parts, Labor, and Services Totals
    The total pre-tax costs of the Parts, Labor items, and Services on the Work Order.
  2. Subtotal
    The total pre-tax cost of the Work Order. Equal to the sum of the Parts, Labor, and Services Totals.
  3. Repair Summary Button
    Click to open the Repair Summary window.
  4. Taxes
    The total amount of tax charged on the Work Order.
  5. Grand Total
    The final cost of the Work Order, equal to Subtotal + Taxes.

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Repair Summary

Clicking the “Repair Summary” button in the Totals panel will open the Repair Summary window, which provides a breakdown of the Work Order’s costs organized by Repair Code.

  1. Repair Codes
    The costs in the Repair Summary window are organized by Repair Code. Click on a Repair Code to view a summary of the Parts, Labor items, and Services included under it. 
  2. Part Summary
    A summary of the Parts included under the selected Repair Code. The information available for each Part is as follows:
    • Part: The Part’s description.
    • Total/Issued/Requested: The total number of the Part issued and requested / the number of the Part that was issued / the number of the Part that was requested.
    • Price: The price per unit of the Part.
    • Total: The total pre-tax cost of the Part. Equal to Issued * Price * (100 - Discount)%.
  3. Labor Summary
    A summary of the Labor items included under the selected Repair Code. The information available for each Labor item is as follows:
    • Labor: The Labor item’s description.
    • Hours: The number of hours the Mechanic has indicated they spent working on the Labor item.
    • Tracked: The actual amount of time the Mechanic has logged against the Labor item in Texada Mobile. 
    • Rate: The Labor item’s hourly rate.
    • Total: The total pre-tax cost of the Labor item. Equal to Hours * Rate * (100 - Discount)%.
  4. Service Summary
    A summary of the Services included under the selected Repair Code. The information available for each Service is as follows:
    • Service: The Service’s description.
    • Quantity: The quantity of the Service included on the Work Order.
    • Price: The price per unit of the Service.
    • Total: The total pre-tax cost of the Service. Equal to Qty * Price.
  5. Parts, Labor, and Services Totals
    The total pre-tax costs of the Parts, Labor items, and Services for the Repair Code.
  6. Repair Code Total
    The total pre-tax cost of all items under the selected Repair Code. Equal to the sum of the Parts, Labor, and Services totals.

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Related Open Work Orders Panel

This panel contains information on any Work Orders for the same Asset that are currently open in the system. The primary purpose of this panel is to prevent you from accidentally creating a duplicate Work Order.

  1. Related Work Order
    Open Work Orders for the same Asset are listed here, along with their basic information. Click on a related Work Order to open the Work Order Info Window, providing more detailed information.

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Work Order Info Window

Click on a Work Order in the Related Open Work Orders Panel to open its Info Panel. The Info Panel provides more detailed information on a Work Order, and allows you modify these details directly or jump to its edit page. 

  1. Information Sidebar
    This sidebar provides a quick overview of the Work Order’s details, including its WO #, date, purchase order #, Customer name, address and contact information, and site information.
  2. Date Selector
    Use to modify the Work Order’s date.
  3. Priority Selector
    Use to modify the Work Order’s priority.
  4. Schedule Information
    Use to indicate whether or not the Work Order has been scheduled, and if so, what are the target start and end times.
  5. Mechanic Information
    This section contains information on the Mechanic(s) that have been assigned to the Work Order.
    1. To add a Mechanic to the Work Order, click the ‘Add a Mechanic’ drop-down or start typing the Mechanic’s name, then click on his or her name once you have located it in the list.
    2. To unassign a Mechanic from the Work Order, click the ‘Unassign’ button next to his or her name.
  6. Asset and Maintenance Information
    This section contains information on the Asset assigned to the Work Order, including its name, status, meter, and maintenance information. Click on the ‘Asset Details’ button to open the Asset’s details page in a new browser tab.
    Any comments left on the Work Order are displayed here.
  8. Open Work Order Button
    Click this button to open the Work Order’s edit page in a new browser tab.
  9. Cancel Button
    Click to close the Info Panel without saving any changes. You can also accomplish this by clicking anywhere outside the panel.
  10. Save Button
    Click to save all changes and close the Info Panel.

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Work Order Actions

The actions you can take with a Work Order - for example, saving, deleting, invoicing or printing it - will be listed as buttons in the footer of the Create / Edit Work Order page:

Naturally, the actions you can take with any given Work Order will depend on a number of factors, including:

  • Whether you are creating or editing the Work Order
  • Whether it is a regular Work Order or a Work Order estimate
  • The Work Order’s current status 
  • The Work Order’s Posting Type

The following section lists all possible Work Order actions and the conditions under which they will be available.

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Create Work Order



Create Work Order

Save your changes and create your Work Order. You can only do this if all required fields are filled out. 

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Create Work Order Estimate



Create Work Order Estimate

Save your changes and create your Work Order estimate. You can only do this if all required fields are filled out. 

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Edit Work Order




View PDF

Open a printable PDF version of the Work Order.



Send a PDF version of the Work Order to the specified email address.


Print Tag

Print a red or green status tag for the Asset on the Work Order.

Current status is Completed or Closed


Generate an Invoice for the Customer on the Work Order, for an amount equal to the Grand Total specified under the Total Panel. Upon clicking this button, you will be prompted to enter an Invoice date, then automatically redirected to the Edit Invoice page and prompted to submit a payment for the Invoice. Generating an Invoice for a Work Order will set its status to Closed.

Current status is NOT Closed


Posting Type is either Standard Invoice, Customer Damage, or Customer Repair

Close Work Order

Change the Work Order’s status to Closed without invoicing it. 

Current status is NOT Closed


Posting Type is Internal Work Order


Change the Work Order’s status to “In Progress” and enable editing.

Current status is Completed


Save any changes made to the Work Order.

Current status is NOT Completed or Closed

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Edit Work Order Estimate



View PDF

Open a printable PDF version of the Work Order.


Send a PDF version of the Work Order to the specified email address.

Delete WO Estimate

Delete the Work Order estimate.


Close the Work Order estimate without saving your changes and return to the Work Order list.


Save any changes made to the Work Order estimate.

Convert to Work Order

Convert the Work Order estimate to a Work Order.

Note: To see this button, click the down arrow to the right of the “Save” button.

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