Work Orders

Work Order Estimates

All about Work Order estimates in Texada Web.

In This Article


A Work Order estimate is a pre-Work Order document that allows counter operators to draft a Work Order and share its potential cost with the customer without affecting inventory or committing to performing work. Just like regular Work Orders, estimates can be assigned Parts, Labor, and Service costs, then converted to PDF documents and emailed to the customer for review. Once a Work Order estimate has been approved, it can be converted to a regular Work Order.

The following article will detail the differences between regular Work Orders and Work Order estimates, and list the places in Texada Web where Work Order estimates can be created, viewed, and managed.

Work Orders vs. Work Order Estimates

The following table outlines the similarities and differences between regular Work Orders and Work Order estimates.


Work Orders

Work Order Estimates

Visibility - Work Order List

Can be viewed from the Work Order List page.

Visibility - Work Order Map

Can be viewed from the Work Order Map page.

Do not appear on the Work Order Map.

Effect on inventory

Parts reserved on a Work Order will subtract from available inventory.

Parts reserved on a Work Order estimate will not affect inventory.

Assigning and scheduling

Can be assigned to a Mechanic and scheduled via the Work Order Scheduling page.

Cannot be assigned to a Mechanic and cannot be scheduled for completion.

Adding Parts, Labor, and Service costs

Parts, Labor, and Service costs can be added after the Work Order is created.

Parts, Labor, and Service costs can be added during creation.

Possible statuses

Possible statuses are Created, Assigned, In Progress, Paused, Completed, and Closed.

Possible statuses are Estimated and Converted.

Create a Work Order Estimate

Work Order estimates can be created via the Create Work Order Estimate screen in Texada Web. For more information, see “Create a Work Order Estimate in Texada Web”.

View and Edit Work Order Estimates

Work Order estimates can be viewed via the Work Order List page, by clicking the “Work Orders / Estimates” toggle in the top-right corner of the screen. For more information, see “The Work Order List”.

To edit a Work Order estimate, click on its row in the Work Order List. This will open the Edit Work Order Estimate page. For more information, see “View and Edit a Work Order Estimate in Texada Web”.

Convert a Work Order Estimate to a Work Order

Via the Work Order List

To convert a Work Order estimate into a regular Work Order from the Work Order List, hover your mouse over the three dots to the left of an estimate’s row, then click the “Convert to Work Order” button.

Via the Edit Work Order Page

To convert a Work Order estimate into a regular Work Order from the Edit Work Order page, click the down arrow to the right of the Save button, then click “Convert to Work Order”

Save Work Order Estimate After Converting

Whenever you convert a Work Order estimate into a Work Order, the following pop-up will appear, asking if you would like to preserve the original estimate. Select “Delete” to delete the original estimate, or “Save” to preserve it for recordkeeping purposes.

Converted Work Order estimates will be visible on the Work Order List page with a status of “Converted”.

In Texada Mobile

Work Order estimates are also available in Texada Mobile. When viewing the Work Orders screen, tap the “Create Estimate” button to open the Estimates tab of the Work Order List page.

From here, you can access all of the same functionality offered in Texada Web, including creating new Work Order estimates and converting estimates into regular Work Orders.