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Ticket Priority
This article describes how the Priority field is determined and how it is used
How Priority is used
Texada Support asks customers to rank tickets by Priority and works on tickets by this value. We work on Critical tickets first, followed by High, Medium and Low.
We understand that business contexts can change, and sometimes a ticket priority needs to be changed to match those contexts. In order to change the priority on a ticket, simply submit a comment on the ticket in question through our ticket portal, or reply to an email from that ticket and we will adjust the priority accordingly.
If there happen to be a large number of tickets within a priority level, we will usually try to work on the oldest ones first.
What about Severity?
Severity is defined in this article and is applied strictly according to the definition. It guides our response times and corresponds to how negatively impacted our application is for the submitted issue.
How Priority is determined
- On the Submit a Ticket page, the ticket submitter ranks their cases by Impact and Urgency which we combine into a Priority value which we use to prioritize the ticket.
- Impact is to indicate how large of an impact the ticket has for the customer
- Does it impact one user, one store or group, or the whole company
- Urgency is to indicate how much the issue affects the ability to continue working
- Does the issue allow work to continue, does it do so only with a workaround or does it stop work
- We combine these answers according to the following chart
- In situations where we need to decide which case to work on next, Texada Support works top-down by Priority
- If all cases are ranked at the same priority, Texada Support decides which one is worked on next
- Impact is to indicate how large of an impact the ticket has for the customer
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