
Create a User in Texada Web

How to create a new User account in Texada Web.

Quick Reference

  • A User is any person who is able to login and use one or more of Texada’s products, including Texada Web, Mobile, and SRM.
  • To create a new User in Texada Web:
    • Log in to Texada Web as a User with the Create User permission enabled.
    • Navigate to the User Menu (click on your name in the top-right corner of the screen) → Settings → Company Settings → Users.
    • Click the Create User button Create User Button in the top-right corner of the screen.
    • Fill out the User’s information.
    • Click “Create User” to finalize creation.
    • Once the User has been created, they will be able to log in to Texada Web/SRM and/or Texada Mobile using the email address and password you entered.


A User is any person who is able to login and use one or more of Texada’s products, including Texada Web, Mobile, and SRM (SRM Users are traditionally referred to as Operators). The specific features available to each User will vary depending on their Role or Roles, but all Users are created and managed in the same way. 

The following article will detail the process of creating a new User account in Texada Web.

Creating a User

  1. Log in to Texada Web as a User with the Create User permission enabled. Contact your system administrator if you are unsure whether you have this permission.
  2. Navigate to the User Menu (click on your name in the top-right corner of the screen) → Settings → Company Settings → Users.
  3. Click the Create User button Create User Button in the top-right corner of the screen to open the Create User page.
  4. Fill out all of the necessary information for the new User. In order to create a new User, the following conditions must be met:
    1. All required fields, as marked with a red asterisk Red Asterisk, must be filled out. 
    2. At least one Division must be selected, and a default Division must be set. 
    3. At least one Location must be selected, and a default Location must be set. 
  5. Click the “Create User” button to create the User. The new User will now be able to log in to Texada SRM/Web/Mobile using the email address and password you entered. You can view and manage the User from the Users tab of the Company Settings page in Texada Web.

See below for more detailed information on the individual elements of the Create User Page.

The Create User Page

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  1. User Info Panel
    Contains basic information about the User.
  2. Division and Location Access Panel
    Allows you to select the Divisions and Locations to which the User has access.
  3. User Permissions Panel
    Allows you to assign Roles to the User and review their permissions for each Division.
  4. Back to List Button
    Cancel creation and return to the Company Settings page without saving your changes. 
  5. Create User Button
    Save your changes and create the new User.

User Info Panel

This panel contains basic information about the User, as well as important controls such as access to Texada Mobile/Web, and Multi-Factor Authentication status. 

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  1. User Name
    The User’s name.
  2. Email Address
    The User’s email address. Used for logging in to Texada products. For security reasons, Texada recommends using company email addresses for User accounts as opposed to personal email addresses.
  3. Password
    The User’s login password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length, must contain at least one letter, one number, and one special character, and cannot contain repeated characters.
  4. Instance Selector
    Use this to select the Instances to which the User has access. Each User must be given access to at least one Instance. This field is only visible when you are logged in as a Super Admin with access to multiple Instances, and you can only grant access to Instances to which you yourself have access. If you only have access to one Instance, the new User will be created with access to that same Instance as you. See “About Instances” for more information.
  5. Prompt for Division
    Indicates whether the User should be prompted to select a Division when creating documents in Texada SRM. 
    1. Yes: Prompt the User to select a Division each time they create a document. Recommended for Users who often create documents for multiple different Divisions. 
    2. No: Always use the User’s default Division when creating documents, and do not allow them to change it.
  6. Prompt for Location
    Indicates whether the User should be prompted to select a Location when creating documents in Texada SRM. 
    1. Yes: Prompt the User to select a Location each time they create a document. Recommended for Users who often create documents for multiple different Locations. 
    2. No: Always use the User’s default Location when creating documents, and do not allow them to change it.
    3. Division: Always match Location to Division when creating documents, and do not allow the User to change it. 
  7. Phone Number
    The User’s phone number.
  8. Multi-Factor Authentication Toggle
    Use this to enable or disable multi-factor authentication for this User. See “Multi-Factor Authentication” for more information.
  9. User Type
    Use these checkboxes to control the User’s access to various products and features:
    1. Mobile: If enabled, the User will be able to log in to Texada Mobile. 
    2. Web (SRM & Texada Web): If enabled, the User will be able to log in to Texada Web and SRM.
    3. Super Admin: If enabled, the User will gain Super Admin privileges, including the ability to modify other Users’ Instance access and appoint additional Super Admins. This checkbox is only visible when logged in as a Super Admin. See “About Super Admins” for more information.

Division and Location Access Panel

This panel allows you to control the Divisions and Locations to which the User has access. See “About Divisions and Locations” for more information.

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  1. Search Bar
    Use this to filter the list of Divisions and Locations. Click on the drop-down to open a list of Divisions and Locations, then click on one or more items to display them.
  2. Division Selector
    Click on the checkbox next to each Division to enable or disable the User’s access to it. Click on the checkbox next to the “Divisions” header to enable or disable all Divisions. All Users must be assigned to at least one Division.
  3. Default Division
    Click on the radio box next to an enabled Division to mark it as the User’s default Division. This is the Division that will be automatically selected when Users with “Prompt for Division” disabled create a document in Texada SRM. All Users are required to have a default Division.
  4. Location Selector
    Click on the checkbox next to each Location to enable or disable the User’s access to it. Click on the checkbox next to the “Location” header to enable or disable all Locations. All Users must be assigned to at least one Location.
  5. Default Location
    Click on the radio box next to an enabled Location to mark it as the User’s default Location. This is the Location that will be automatically selected when Users with “Prompt for Location” disabled create a document in Texada SRM. All Users are required to have a default Location.

User Permissions Panel

This panel allows you to assign Roles to the User, and review their permissions for each Division.

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  1. Permission Filter
    Begin typing here to filter the list of permissions by the text entered. This will search through all sub-levels of permissions, even those that are not currently visible. For example, searching for “counter” will return the “Utilities” permission, since “Counter Utilities” is a sub-level of that permission.
  2. Permissions List
    Each permission is displayed in its own row. Permissions are organized into a hierarchy, with broader permissions at the top level containing sub-levels of increasing granularity. Click the down arrow to the left of a permission’s name to expand its sub-levels; click the up arrow to the left of an expanded category to collapse it.
  3. Advanced Toggle
    Use this to switch the permission list between Simplified View and Advanced View. These views present the same permission information in different ways: Advanced View (toggle enabled) displays permissions in a style similar to the Security Role Permissions utility in Texada SRM, while Simplified View (toggle disabled) provides a more streamlined list. See “About User Roles and Permissions - Simplified View and Advanced View” for more information.
  4. Role Manager
    Click to open the Role Manager menu. See “The Role Manager” for more information.
  5. Permissions by Division
    The permissions held by the User for each of their active Divisions are displayed here. For each Division selected in the Division and Location Access panel, a column corresponding to that Division will be added to the table. Use the drop-down list below each Division’s name to select the User’s Role(s) for that Division. Note that the permissions granted by User Roles are additive, and that the permissions displayed in the column below each Division represent the sum of the permissions granted by the selected Roles. See “About User Roles and Permissions” for more information.