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About the SRM QuickBooks Integration
Provides a conceptual overview of the QuickBooks Integration for SRM along with the main use case scenarios.
SRM Administrator, Bookkeeper, Accountant
Use the SRM QuickBooks integration to avoid manually entering your accounting journal postings in both applications. The integration can save you valuable time, effort, duplication errors, and discrepancies in your financial reporting.
Note: The integration is available for Software as a Service (SaaS) SRM customers only.
Data Sync
The SRM QuickBooks integration works by replicating certain information you enter in SRM into the appropriate spots in QuickBooks via a one-way sync. In other words, this information does not travel back from QuickBooks to SRM. The following information is synced over the integration:
- Transactions in a journal posting
- Deposit amounts
- Invoice document numbers
- Amount transferred
- Chart of account division
- Chart of account description
- Chart of account ID number
Daily Use
Use the SRM QuickBooks integration to perform your daily close routines in your financial reporting process. This process varies by company; some organizations do daily closes on daily, weekly, or even monthly schedules. In SRM, the integration adds a fourth "sync" step to your daily close process, which manually shares your SRM posting information with QuickBooks.
Note: See: "Use the SRM QuickBooks Integration to Complete Your Daily Close Process" for more information on the daily use of the integration.
Set Up
Your implementation specialist performs all the necessary set-up steps to get the SRM QuickBooks integration successfully working. Contact support@texadasoftware.com if you are interested in setting up the SRM QuickBooks integration.
System Changes
Setting up the SRM QuickBooks integration results in the addition of several new menu items in SRM:
- System Maintenance Menu > Configure System Settings > System > Company & Divisions > Company Parameters > Software Integration > Integrated Acct tab
- This tab enables your implementation specialist to input your QuickBooks credentials and activate the integration on the SRM side
- System Maintenance Menu > Configure System Settings > Accounting Tab > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts
- A validate button is used to test the connection between SRM and QuickBooks before attempting to sync
- Accounts Payable > Vendor Information
- A QuickBooks Account ID field is added and is used by your implementation specialist to set up the integration on the SRM side
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