
The Customer List

An overview of the Customer List page in Texada Web.

Quick Reference

  • A Customer is a company or individual who rents or purchases equipment from a rental company.
  • The Customer List page in Texada Web allows you to view a list of your existing Customers and edit their information. 
  • To reach the Customer List page, navigate to CustomersList in the left side menu.
  • Click on a Customer’s row in the Customer table to view and edit more detailed information.


In the context of Texada software, a Customer is a company or individual - often a construction company - who rents or purchases equipment from a rental company. The Customer List page in Texada Web allows you to view a list of your existing Customers and edit their information.

To reach the Customer List page, navigate to CustomersList in the left side menu.

The Customer List

Customer List NUMBERED

  1. Search Bar
    Begin typing here to filter the list of Customers by the text entered. This will search by Customer #, Customer Name, Customer Address, and Phone #. 
  2. Customer Table
    This table contains a list of all the Customers currently in the system. The appearance of this table can be modified in a number of ways; see “Working with Tables” for more information.
  3. Customer
    Click on a Customer’s row in the table to view and edit more detailed information. See “Edit a Customer Record in Texada Web” for more information.

The Customer Table - Columns

The Customer Table comprises the following columns:

  • Customer #: The Customer’s number, or unique identifier in the system.
  • Name: The Customer’s name.
  • Address: The Customer’s address. This address is a concatenation of multiple fields from the Customer details page; specifically, it is equal to: “[Address line 1], [Address line 2], [City], [Zip/Postal Code], [State/Province]”. 
  • Phone: The Customer’s phone number.