
View the Job Cost Report in SRM

Provides a conceptual overview of, and describes how to generate the Job Cost Report to view the revenue and expenses for a job site in SRM.


How to/conceptual


SRM Counter?



Before You Begin

Required: Valid SRM account, valid login credentials and access permissions, existing customer, existing job site, existing job cost code, SRM is configured for job costing

Optional: Existing posted invoice associated with the job costing site, existing posted G/L journal entry associated with the job costing site, existing time tracker information associated with the job costing site


View the Job Cost Report when you need to gain insights into the profitability of a job site for your company. 

Use the following table to understand the options for generating the Job Cost Report:

Menu Option Menu Sub Option Effect
Include Only Profit/Loss Codes N/A Includes the expense/revenue information for any job cost codes that had Profit/Loss checked during creation
Report Type Detail Lists each posted transaction in the selected time period
Summary Outputs the transaction information in a summarized format, providing only a total for each job cost code
Both Generates both the detail and summary output together
Include Blank Cost Codes N/A Includes transactions for this customer/site that have not been assigned a job cost code
Report Options Print Outputs the report as a PDF document
Excel Outputs the report as an MS Excel spreadsheet and emails it to a specified email address


Use the following table to understand the information the Job Cost Report outputs:

Column Name Description
COST CODE The cost code associated with the line item
TRANS# The G/L transaction number related to the line item
ACCT# The G/L account number related to the line item
DIV The division code related to the line item
DATE The date of the transaction
SOURCE The document source that is associated with the line item, such as a journal entry, contract number, or invoice number
REFERENCE The customer/vendor associated with the line item
PRODUCT# The product associated with the line item
DEBIT Debit amounts associated with the line item
CREDIT Credit amounts associated with the line item
PROFIT/LOSS The overall profit or loss associated with the line item.  Items with a negative value represent losses.
ACCT TYPE The account type code associated with the line item

Note: The line items are grouped by cost code by default, and are sub-totalled after each group, and are grand totalled at the end of the report


To view the Job Cost Report, do the following:

  1. In SRM, navigate to General Ledger > Reports > Job Cost Reporting
    The Job Cost Report page opens
  2. Use the Customer field to select the customer associated with the job costing site
  3. Use the Job Site field to select the job costing site
  4. Use the From Date field to specify the earliest date that the report should include
  5. Use the To Date field to specify the last date that the report should include
  6. Optional: Check Include Only Profit/Loss Codes to include the expense/revenue information for any job cost codes that had Profit/Loss checked during creation
    Note: See "Create a Job Cost Code in SRM" for more information on creating job cost codes
  7. Next to Report Type, do one of the following:
    1. Click Detail to output the report in the detail view
    2. Click Summary to output the report in the summary view
    3. Click Both to output the report in both detail and summary view
  8. Optional: Check Include Blank Cost Codes to include line items in the report that do not have a job cost code associated with them 
  9. Next to Report Options, do one of the following:
    1. Click Print to output the report as a PDF and download it in your browser
    2. Click Excel to output the report as a MS Excel spreadsheet and then select an email address to send the report to
  10. Click Accept
    The report is generated

Next Steps


Track Daily Job Costing Revenue and Expenses in SRM    

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