
Set Up the GateWay HubSpot Integration

Describes how to set up the HubSpot integration in the GateWay administration panel.


How to


GateWay Administrator, HubSpot Administrator


GateWay, SRM


Set up the HubSpot integration in GateWay when you need to enable your customers to create and view their HubSpot support tickets.

Most of the setup for the integration takes place in the GateWay administration panel, with a brief step in HubSpot. It is recommended that you log into HubSpot as an administrator before beginning this process in order for it to run as smoothly as possible.  


  • Your HubSpot company must have an account number or you will not be able to integrate HubSpot with GateWay.  See: "Link HubSpot Tickets to SRM" for more information on how to set this up.
  • When you are finished setting up the HubSpot integration, it is recommended that you set up your customers' access to support tickets.  See: "Set Up HubSpot Support Ticket Access in GateWay" for more information.

Before You Begin

Required: Device with internet connection; active GateWay account; active HubSpot account; valid login credentials and access permissions; SRM account number is set up in HubSpot

Optional: Log into HubSpot as an administrator


To set up the HubSpot integration in GateWay, do the following:

  1. Navigate to your GateWay administration panel and log in
  2. In the administration panel header bar, navigate to HubSpot > Manage HubSpot Integration
    The HubSpot Integration page opens in the main area
  3. Click Connect to HubSpot
    The Choose an Account page opens in HubSpot

    Note: If you are not logged into HubSpot, you are prompted to log in then the Choose an Account page opens
  4. Click the account you need to integrate with GateWay
    The HubSpot Integration page opens in GateWay and displays additional information

    The HubSpot integration with GateWay is set up

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