
The Quote Details Screen - Revision Details

An overview of the Revision Details subscreen of the Quote Details screen.

Quick Reference

  • When building out a Quote in SAQ, it is possible to create multiple Revisions (versions) of the same Quote and edit each Revision independently. Each Revision features its own Revision Details screen, accessible from the Quote Details screen, that contains all of the information for that Revision.
  • Click on the three dots in the top-right corner of the Revision Details page to access options for editing or cloning the Revision:
    • Change Status to Complete: Changes the Revision’s status to Complete.
    • Change Status to In Progress: Changes the Revision’s status to In Progress.
    • Copy to New Quote: Create a copy of the Quote and Revision you are currently viewing.
    • Copy to New Revision: Copy the current Revision to a new Revision under the same Quote.
    • Delete Revision: Delete the current Revision.
  • The Revision Financials panel contains basic and financial information about the Revision, including the Parts, Labor, and Misc totals, and the Revision’s cost per hour.
  • The Equipment List panel contains a list of the equipment included in the Revision.
    • Click the “Add Multiple Equipment” button to open the Equipment Search window and select equipment to add to the Revision.
    • Click the “Add Empty Equipment” button to add a blank equipment entry to the Revision. This entry can then be manually filled out.
    • Click the “Save” button to save your changes.
    • Click the bin icon next to a piece of equipment to remove it from the Revision.
    • Click the search icon next to a piece of equipment to open the Equipment Search window and select a piece of equipment to replace the selected piece.

The Quote Details Screen

This page is part of a series on the Quote Details Screen in Service Agreement Quoting. The structure of this screen and its subscreens is as follows:


The Quote Details screen in Service Agreement Quoting contains all of the information about an existing Quote. It comprises a number of subscreens, one of which is the Revision Details screen.

When building out a Quote in SAQ, it is possible to create multiple Revisions (versions) of the same Quote and edit each Revision independently. This allows you to experiment with different equipment and event combinations and explore the pricing differences between them. As each Revision is created, it will appear in the left navigation menu of the Quote Details screen. Click on a Revision in the menu to view its details.

Revision Details

  1. Revision Actions
    This menu contains a number of actions that can be applied to the Revision.
    1. Change Status to Complete
      Changes the Revision’s status to Complete.
    2. Change Status to In Progress
      Changes the Revision’s status to In Progress.
    3. Copy to New Quote
      Click to create a copy of the Quote and Revision you are currently viewing. The new Quote will retain all of the header information from the original Quote, but only the Revision you are currently viewing will be copied over. 
    4. Copy to New Revision
      Click to copy the current Revision to a new Revision under the same Quote. By creating branching Revisions in this manner, you can experiment with modifying a Revision without overriding its original version. Revisions are named incrementally as they are created starting with Revision 1. Each new Revision will appear in the left navigation menu of the parent Quote.
    5. Delete Revision
      Click to delete the current Revision. This will delete the Revision itself as well as any attached documents and equipment. This button will only be visible if at least 2 Revisions exist for the current Quote.
  2. Revision Financials Panel
    Contains basic information about the Revision, including its cost totals.
    1. Status
      The Revision’s current status. This value is read-only and can be changed via the Change Status button (1a).
    2. Equip. Count
      The number of pieces of equipment included in this Revision.
    3. Parts Total
      The total cost of the Parts components of all Events included in this Revision.
    4. Labor Total
      The total cost of the Labor components of all Events included in this Revision.
    5. Misc Total
      The total cost of the Misc components of all Events included in this Revision.
    6. Total
      The total cost of this Revision.
    7. Cost Per Hour
      The total cost of this Revision per hour of labor.
  3. Equipment List Panel
    Contains the list of equipment included in this Revision.
    1. Add Multiple Equipment Button
      Click to open the Equipment Search window and add equipment to the Revision.
    2. Add Empty Equipment Button
      Click to add an empty row to the Equipment List. This allows you to manually fill out a piece of equipment to add to the Revision.
    3. Save Button
      Click to save your changes.
    4. Equipment List
      This table contains a list of all the pieces of equipment included in the Revision. Click on a column header to sort the table by the contents of that column. Click and drag the column headers to rearrange the order of the columns. Click the right arrow or down arrow to the left of a piece of equipment to expand or collapse its row. Click the arrows in the top-left corner of the table to expand or collapse all rows. For a description of all the information included for each piece of equipment, see “Equipment Information”.
    5. Delete Equipment Button
      Click the bin icon to remove a piece of equipment from the Revision.
    6. Replace Equipment Button
      Click the search icon to open the Equipment Search window and replace the current piece of equipment with another.
    7. Warnings
      If the piece of equipment is missing any required fields or has other issues, a red warning sign will appear to the right of its row in the Equipment List. Hover your mouse over the warning sign to see more information.

Equipment Search

Clicking the “Add Multiple Equipment” button or clicking the search icon next to a piece of equipment in the Equipment List will open the Equipment Search window. This window allows you to search for and add equipment to the Revision.

If the “Add Multiple Equipment” button was clicked, you will have the option of selecting multiple pieces of equipment to be added to the Revision. If the search icon was clicked, you will only be able to select a single piece of equipment to replace the one you selected.

  1. Keyword
    Being typing into the Keyword field to filter the list of equipment by the text entered. This will search by the field selected in the “Search By” drop-down (3).
  2. Equipment
    Select whether to search through all equipment or only equipment owned by the Quote’s Customer.
  3. Search By
    Select which field to search by when entering text into the “Keyword” field (1).
  4. Equipment Table
    Contains the list of equipment that matches the current search terms. Click on a column header to sort the table by the contents of that column. Click and drag the column headers to rearrange the order of the columns. If adding multiple pieces of equipment, check the checkbox in the top-left corner of the table to select or deselect all equipment.
  5. Equipment Select
    Add Multiple Equipment only. Check the checkbox next to a piece of equipment to select it to be added to the Revision. Uncheck the checkbox to deselect it.
  6. Equipment Serial No
    Click on a piece of equipment’s Serial No to add it to the Revision. If replacing equipment via the search icon , the selected piece will be added to the Revision in lieu of the original piece.
  7. Equipment Stock No
    Click on a piece of equipment’s Stock No to add it to the Revision. If replacing equipment via the search icon , the selected piece will be added to the Revision in lieu of the original piece.
  8. Cancel Button
    Add Multiple Equipment only. Click to close the Equipment Search window without saving your changes.
  9. OK Button
    Add Multiple Equipment only. Click to add the selected pieces of equipment to the Revision.

Equipment Information

  1. Serial Number
    The equipment’s serial number. Click to jump to that piece of equipment’s details page.
  2. Make
    The equipment’s make. Click on the drop-down to select a different make. 
  3. Stock Number
    The equipment’s stock number.
  4. Branch
    The branch with which the piece of equipment is associated.
  5. Current SMU
    The date and value of the most recent available meter reading for the piece of equipment.
  6. Start SMU
    The SMU reading at which the Start Event (7) should be performed. For example, if the machine currently has 800 hours and the Start SMU is 1000, the Start Event will be performed in 200 SMU hours.
  7. Start Event
    The Event that should be performed once the Start SMU (6) value is reached.
  8. Number of Events
    The number of Events included in the Revision for this piece of equipment.
  9. Total Amount
    The total cost of the Events included for this piece of equipment.
  10. CPH Amount
    The total cost per hour (CPH) of the Events included for this piece of equipment.
  11. Model
    The equipment’s model. Note that as different Events are supported by different equipment models and serial number ranges, changing an equipment’s model will result in you needing to rebuild the Events and Packages included for that piece of equipment.
  12. Serial Number Range
    The equipment’s serial number range. Note that as different Events are supported by different equipment models and serial number ranges, changing an equipment’s serial number range will result in you needing to rebuild the Events and Packages included for that piece of equipment.
  13. Maintenance Intervals
    The interval at which the equipment should be serviced.
  14. Unit Number
    The equipment’s unit number.
  15. Expires By
    Select whether Contracts for this piece of equipment will expire by Service Meter Units (Hours), Date, or Both. Contract expiry dates are captured in the End Hour (17) and End Date (19) fields. If “Both” is selected, Contracts will expire by whichever comes first.
  16. Start Hour
    The starting hour of the Contract for this piece of equipment.
  17. End Hour
    The ending hour of the Contract for this piece of equipment.
  18. Start Date
    The start date of the Contract for this piece of equipment.
  19. End Date
    The end date of the Contract for this piece of equipment. Contracts that expire by Date (15) will expire at the End Hour (17) of this date.
  20. SMU
    The equipment’s current Service Meter Units (SMU). This field is read-only.
  21. Utilization per Day
    The equipment’s daily utilization, measured in Service Meter Units (hours).
  22. Pricing Type
    The equipment’s pricing type (Standard or Customer). This will affect the appearance of the “Financials” tab of the Event Details screen.
    1. Standard: The default pricing type for newly-added equipment. The pricing for each Event added to this piece of equipment will be pulled from that Event’s Standard Job.
    2. Customer: Unlocks additional pricing customization based on Customer pricing, including labor and miscellaneous charge codes.
  23. Enrollment Number
    The equipment’s enrollment number. This field is read-only.
  24. Contract Date
    The equipment’s Contract date. This field is read-only.
  25. Charge Codes
    The equipment’s charge codes. Up to 2 codes can be selected.
    Any additional comments.